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This is the base set for this weeks maps. It includes high resolution day and night variants of every level. Higher tier patrons can get the complete set with additional variants HERE 

This map set is part of the Bharzul series.


Bharzul has a small fleet of steam powered ships that patrol the Moribund Sea and trade with the settlements around its shores. All of the ships are owned and controlled by the Stone Palace, no private vessels are allowed to be owned by citizens and trade ships are carefully controlled and watched on entry.

Bharzul is also home to a vast airship hangar carved into the western rockface between the twin falls. Despite this Bharzul had no airships of its own until very recently, the port was used by visiting dignitaries from allied cities. There are now 4 airships patrolling the skies above Bharzul in shifts, clearly retrofits of the existing naval boats.

Their technology is very different from that of the other airships seen occasionally in the skies. Quad propellors extend out from the hull and they are faster and more manoeuvrable, although the amount of time they can spend aloft seems to be limited. The new technology is being kept under wraps, but anyone who was able to get a look at the engine compartments may recognise some of the elements from Nasi Laguzol’s experiments.

Grid Information

GRID SIZE 22x17 (300DPI)
SIZE – 3080x2380(140DPI)

Design Notes

Bharzul Airship

  • 01 – Observation Deck - Although its primary purpose is as a viewing deck, the observation deck is armed with a quad-ballista and two harpoon guns. The hatch leads down to 07
  • 02 – Ballista Deck
  • 03 – Main Deck - A hatch at the bow of the ship leads down to 11. Ladders lead to the upper decks.
  • 04 – Cockpit - The airship is steered from within the cockpit. The propellors can be adjusted in tandem or individually, allowing for extreme manoeuvrability.
  • 05 – Secure Seating - When moving through rough winds and turbulence, the crew can strap themselves in on these secure seats. In case of a crash landing this is the most protected part of the vessel.
  • 06 – Mess Hall - A small kitchen and seating area. All crew meals are prepared and served here. It also serves as an informal meeting space and leisure area for off-shift crew. Stairs lead down to the deck below.
  • 07 – Stern Balcony - Ladder leads up to 01
  • 08 – Cargo Hold - Cargo and supplies are secured here. The large rear hatch can be opened when loading and unloading in port. The trapdoor leads down to 12
  • 09 – Crews Quarters – The engine room has been expanded on the airship, so the crews’ quarters have been moved to the lower deck and the gun deck removed. This has the added benefit of providing much more comfortable quarters to the crew.
  • 10 – Head
  • 11 – Captains Quarters - More spacious and luxurious than the rest of the crews’ quarters. A ladder leads up to 03, while the hatch leads down to 13. Both are locked.
  • 12 – Engine Room – The coal powered engines of the naval ships have been replaced with more complex looking mechanisms powered by a large red crystal. These crystals act as batteries, but the technology is still new, so they only last a short while and are somewhat unstable.
  • 13 – Armoury – Weapons are stored here in case the airship comes under attack.




I was JUST in need of a skyship with turbines. Thanks a bunch!

Ryan Holland

Yes, incredibly well timed for my needs as well. And beautiful as always!!!

Michael Gasser

I found the high res tiles in the airbridge folder