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Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In February we released -

  • 119 Maps, Tiles & Variants
  • 323 Assets
  • 12 Tokens
  • 3 5E Adventures
  • 4 Complete Foundry VTT Modules
  • 1 Magic Item
  • 1 Creature

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).

Ruin & Rebuild

Ruins of Ostenwold 06 Jodak’s Mill Ruins

Once the home of Jodak Freesong and his family, the windmill was a primary source of food and income for the town. Maybe it was targeted for this reason, or perhaps it was merely a random attack. The entire side of the mill tower and its sails have crashed to the ground.

No sign of the Freesongs remains, but one would hope they fled with the others. However, the cavern and tunnels that existed below the mill seem to have caved in, the entrance fully collapsed, so that route would likely have been closed to them. At the very least the top floor of the mill will provide a lookout platform and could be defended from any attacks in the night.

Free         Hi-Res (Traveller+)         Variants (Adventurer+) 

Ruins of Ostenwold 07 Farmhouse Ruins

The Ungrimst farm seems to have been targeted, similar to their home in the centre of town. Most buildings in Ostenwold have sustained some form of damage, but generally they are still standing and the interiors largely untouched.

Whoever did this knew where they were going and was either in a hurry or just had no concern for minimising damage. A path of total destruction leads to the family heirlooms that were hidden in the basement below the house, all of which have been taken.

Free          Hi-Res (Traveller+)          Variants (Adventurer+) 

Hideouts & Lairs

Axziga's Lair - A collaboration with Borough Bound & CzePeku

Travelers from across the realm flock to Zahuatil Ruins. This recently discovered temple complex in the heart of the Chorago rainforest is the ideal destination for aspiring archaeologists and gentleman adventurers alike. Somehow, these ancient ruins remained undiscovered for centuries, but now that word has spread, there’s a mad dash to uncover the temple’s secrets and plunder its treasures. There’s just one catch: the whole complex is a fake.

One particularly clever dragon, the ancient serpent Axziga, had grown tired of lording over her reptilian minions. For thousands of years, she ruled some two or three hundred kobolds in what she considered an irrelevant corner of the realm. She wanted more. She wanted to strike fear into the hearts of men. She wanted to become a legend—a creature known across the seas for her guile and strength. Axziga wanted a reputation.

She also didn’t particularly feel like exerting too much energy. And so, she decided to team up with Triqe van Leery, a mimic shepherd. With Axziga’s ragtag crew of loyal kobolds and Triqe’s unusual legion of transforming biomatter, the duo was able to construct Zahuatil Ruins, an incredibly convincing facsimile of a crumbling jungle temple complex. It has everything an adventurer could hope for: the promise of untold secrets, traps and enemies that appear challenging but are, in fact, easily vanquished, and hundreds of ancient artifacts—most of which are mimics in disguise.

Once her scheme was discovered she retreated to her lair, a real ancient temple complete with traps and puzzles, and guarded by her Kobold followers. She feels safe within, knowing that if the temples deadly traps don’t finish off any intruders her army of devotees certainly will.

Free           Hi-Res (Traveller+)          Variants (Adventurer+) 

Into the Wilds

Into the Wilds Caves 01

Bear's Den - A small village nestled into the foothills has been having issues with livestock going missing. There have been accusations thrown between rival farms about theft, but one farm hand swears they saw an enormous furred creature stalking the barns one night. In an attempt to prove who or what is taking the animals, both farms offer a small amount of coin to anyone who can track the beast and deal with it.

Spider's Nest - Deeper in, the cave darkens. Faint red light is given off by the fungal growths, but it only aids in adding to the unease. Stepping carefully you hear a skittering to your right, then left. It stops, you move on, only to walk straight into an enormous sticky web.

Fungal Pools - The fungus growing throughout the caves is far denser and larger here. Two pool giving off a foul stench are filled with a variety of these growths, and seem to be home to a group of bog trolls. Did the fungus attract the trolls, or are the mushrooms a symptom of them settling here?

Hidden Portal - Far into the cavern system is a small area that seems relatively quiet compared to the rest. Sitting within a pool below two waterfalls is a weathered platform, atop which is a stone ring of some kind. It has an aura of mystery about it and faint motes of light seem to connect it to the stone shrines dotted nearby. Was this placed in the cave for some reason, or did the cave form around it?

Free           Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

Meso-American Temple Asset Pack - 31 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack is 'Meso-American Temple ' themed. It contains a number of assets created for my Axziga's Lair map set.

Fruit & Vegetables Asset Pack - 292 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack is 'Fruits & Vegetables' themed. Sometimes you need to take a break from adventuring and sit down for a good meal, or maybe when you are finally done killing Gods and freeing the Outer Planes, you just want to tend to your garden.

Dungeondraft Megapack V1.24 (Adventurer+)- Complete Tom Cartos Asset collection for Dungeondraft, updated every month! 

Wonderdraft Megapack V1.00 (Adventurer+) - Tom Cartos City and Town Asset collection for Wonderdraft 

These assets have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

Premium Adventures (Adventurer+)

Murder at Meraj by Alex LeFort (Level 2-4) 

A wealthy patron in the city has decided that they would like to begin efforts to restore the theatre to its old glory, but they need the party’s help in cleansing the building of whatever entities still lurk there. Can the party brave the theatre’s hostilities to confront the spirit of the wronged caretaker who still lurks there?

This adventure takes place in the city of Samarahd in the Cartosia campaign setting, but minor adjustments can be made to places, names, and historical details to make it compatible with any setting that features an abandoned, haunted theatre within a larger settlement.

Remorhaz Mountains by DMDave (Level 5, 8, 11 or 14) 

The characters must enter the stomach of an awakened cliffside—a living mountain—and purge it of an “intestinal” infestation: the nest of a foul remorhaz!

Yeti Caverns by DMDave (Level 3, 5, 8 and 11) 

The characters must find and enter the lair of a powerful yeti known as the Terror. Before they can confront the yeti, however, they must first dispatch his goblinoid minions.

Free Adventures (Free)

Remorhaz Mountains by DMDave (Level 5)

The characters must enter the stomach of an awakened cliffside—a living mountain—and purge it of an “intestinal” infestation: the nest of a foul remorhaz!


Blue Dragon Lair (Forgemaster+)

Ruined Cemetery (Forgemaster+)


Remorhaz Mountains by DMDave (Level 5, 8, 11 or 14) (Forgemaster+)

Yeti Caverns by DMDave (Level 3, 5, 8 and 11)(Forgemaster+) 

Takhisis BBEG - (Free) - Free Takhisis Token with 6 variants

Creature Tokens - Kraken (Traveller+) - Kraken Tokens from the 5E CR21+ Collection

Creature Tokens Kraken Variants (Adventurer+) - 5 Kraken variant Tokens from the 5E CR21+ Collection -

These tokens will also been added to Moulinette Cloud

These tokens were created for Tom Cartos by Splattered Ink

Amorphous Alloy

Martial weapon, very rare (requires attunement)

Rumors speak of the hideous Hellsmiths that wield weapons of molten metal, shaping this specialized alloy to their own whim and crafting weapons for the fiends at its side. When you attune to this weapon, you can safely touch and carry the blade though anyone within 5 ft. of it feels unbearable heat emanating from it. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

When you find this weapon, it is in the form of either a greatsword, a greataxe, or a glaive. Once per round when you hit with an attack with this weapon, you gain one charge of Hellsmith’s Heat up to a maximum of 5. If you do not hit with an attack with this weapon during your turn, you lose a charge of Hellsmith’s Heat to a minimum of 0.

Hellsmith’s Heat. For each charge of Hellsmith’s Heat you have, add +1 fire damage to any successful attacks with this weapon. When you are at 5 charges of Hellsmith’s Heat, you can use an action to emit a wave of scorching air around you and change the form of this weapon. Creatures within 20 ft. of you must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw taking 3d8 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. You can then choose to change the weapon’s shape to either a greatsword, a greataxe, or a glaive. You then lose all charges of Hellsmith’s Heat.

Hi Res (Traveller+) 

This magic item was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews

Hellsmith (CR 9)

Deep within the bowels of the hells as fighting rages eternally, a new creature was born to feed the lust for weapons in the armies of devils below. The Hellsmith is a creature that brings the heat to the battlefield, able to forge weapons for its allies around it and keep the pressure of the march onward. You’ll often heard the dreaded tink of hammer on steel long before you see a Hellsmith. Possessed with a spark of creativity, these beasts are far more than dumb brutes and often lead their units with terrifying tenacity.

Hi Res (Traveller+) 

This Creature was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews



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