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This is the complete set of this months 'Into The Wilds' maps. The Into the Wilds maps are intended to be simpler & more generic than my regular sets and are perfect to drop in for random encounters when on the road or for when the party takes an unexpected turn and you want to be prepared.

Adventurer Tier Patrons and above can vote for next months Into the Wilds theme HERE 

Patrons voted for this months maps to be 'Caves' themed. The bundle includes:

Bear's Den - A small village nestled into the foothills has been having issues with livestock going missing. There have been accusations thrown between rival farms about theft, but one farm hand swears they saw an enormous furred creature stalking the barns one night. In an attempt to prove who or what is taking the animals, both farms offer a small amount of coin to anyone who can track the beast and deal with it.

Spider's Nest - Deeper in, the cave darkens. Faint red light is given off by the fungal growths, but it only aids in adding to the unease. Stepping carefully you hear a skittering to your right, then left. It stops, you move on, only to walk straight into an enormous sticky web.

Fungal Pools - The fungus growing throughout the caves is far denser and larger here. Two pool giving off a foul stench are filled with a variety of these growths, and seem to be home to a group of bog trolls. Did the fungus attract the trolls, or are the mushrooms a symptom of them settling here?

Hidden Portal - Far into the cavern system is a small area that seems relatively quiet compared to the rest. Sitting within a pool below two waterfalls is a weathered platform, atop which is a stone ring of some kind. It has an aura of mystery about it and faint motes of light seem to connect it to the stone shrines dotted nearby. Was this placed in the cave for some reason, or did the cave form around it?

These maps include a 'closed' version with a single entrance/exit, and an 'open' version with multiple ways in and out of the cave. This is to allow you to decided if the cave is a single location or if it connect to other areas. All four of this months Into the Wilds maps also connect to form a larger cave complex.

GRID SIZE - 22x17 inch (300DPI)
VTT SIZE - 3080x2380 (140DPI)

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