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We are very close to the end of the 5e SRD token series, and need to know what you want to see next! There are 3 options to choose from in the poll below:

  • Heroes - We will create a series of PC/NPC tokens by making a token for every major race/ancestry and class combination. For example the first set might be Elves and would include masc/fem versions of an Elf Paladin, Elf Druid, Elf Barbarian, Elf Wizard, Elf Commoner etc
  • Mobs - We will create sets of 'mobs' based on common fantasy creatures and tropes. For example the first set might be Kobolds, and would include a Kobold Warrior, Kobold Mage, Kobold Archer, Kobold Brute, Kobold Inventor etc to give your encounters more variety. Other sets could be things like 'Bandits', 'Undead Horde', 'Villagers', 'Farm Animals' etc
  • Expanded Bestiary - We will continue to create sets of different monsters by difficulty class, but will start to draw from other open license Bestiary's such as the Pathfinder's Bestiary collection and Kobold Press' Tome of Beasts collection.

Please choose your favourite below. If more than one is particularly popular we may cycle between them.

This poll will end on Sunday February 12th



Throwing a vote specifically to Pathfinder bestiaries. Pf2e is obviously gathering a huge amount of interest right now and the only token packs out there are pog-style (some of which are great) but top-down are always cooler on a map



Erlend Aakre

I also voted for pathfinder, but the other two options are also really good. I don't suppose it would be an option to do two of them in parallel if the split between them is not too big?


If they all, or a couple of them, are similarly popular we will just switch back and forth between them.

Erlend Aakre

Question for people who voted heroes: Are you using these for your own characters or NPCs? I totally get that having a professionally drawn token looks awesome, but personally I really love making my PCs unique and have found HeroForge to be most excellent for making portraits and both pog-style / top-down tokens. Worth checking out if you haven't.


I would love to see the Kobold Press stuff published. I have all 3 Tome of Beasts and the Creature Codex.


I totally agree but I really want those tokens for use as NPCs. You can never have enough of those.


All the above?

Ryan Rogers

Expanded Bestiary, but not because of the PF2E bandwagon hopping. ;-) Having complete token coverage of the standard publications should be a primary goal with all token creation, IMO: SRD > Basic Rules > Monster Manual > Mordenkainen's MotM 100% SRD and Basic Rules coverage is a must. Off-hand I do not know if that is covered yet or not, but if not, I would consider that a primary goal. Then Monster Manual. Then revised / new Morkenkainen's. That's what Creators need. That's what DM's need. Coverage of stock content. Everthing else is great, and I for example would 100% use a Lizardfolk or Kobold Mob, but if need be, I can get by without them. I know because I have been getting by without them. :-) I can take an existing token, reverse it, colorize it, slap a weapon it. Trivially. For personal use, of course. What I can't do trivially is create a new token from scratch for a monster from one of the aforementioned books. Thus, that is highest priority, for me anyway.


Unfortunately we are not able to make tokens for creatures from the Monster Manual, Mordankeinen's, or any other WotC published book (aside from those we release for free under the Fan Content Policy). They are all Wizards IP and not covered by an Open License. If you want tokens for those, you will have to hope WotC makes them. The SRD covers all creatures in the D&D Basic Rules, and we are almost completely finished with those, next month will likely be the last set. With Pathfinder, Tome of Beasts etc, all of their creatures are released under an open license so we can make tokens for them.

John Forrest

Looking for those Pf2e critters here!


I didn't vote for that one but I always use them for NPCs. My PCs always bring their own made art or borrowed/commissioned art and make their own tokens.


Tome of Beasts monsters are sick af, hope you get to do those!

Ryan Rogers

Yep, indeed, I was referring to Fan Content Policy, naturally. Regardless, yes, the key priorities are indeed SRD / Basic, and that's fantastic that you're almost done!!! I hadn't realized you were that close. That's great news.


Fan Content Policy is great, but I can't really afford to commission more than one token per month that I don't earn anything from. Maybe we'll get through all of MM and MToF, but it will take a few decades!

Ryan Rogers

Great minds think alike, I was going to suggest 1 token per month but didn't want to seem being too forward. ;-) It may not sound like a lot, but in 2 years that's 24 tokens of the most popular monsters from MM (that's how I would choose), which probably covers well beyond a majority of instances used. I certainly wouldn't approach it alphabetically, or by CR. I think this would be a *great* candidate for a Nominate in Discord and Vote in Patreon thing. Let the community decide what is most important. This is what I love about Patreon, there's this unspoken tit-for-tat element. Yes, you can't charge for it, but folks like me (and, granted, not everybody, unfortunately) see the value in everything, not just what we're charged for, and absolutely factor that in. Unfortunately, for every person is like that, there are folks who will take it for free and just use it, and not give a second thought of subbing for a month or two to compensate. It sucks, but it is what it is. :-( Regardless, whatever you decide, thanks for listening to the idea!


No problem, I always welcome feedback! Have a look at my free 'BBEG' series of tokens. This is the most recent post - https://www.patreon.com/posts/free-bbeg-tokens-77863869 If you follow the embedded download link it will take you to the full collection released so far. We run polls each month to decide on the next one, and take suggestions for the next poll.


Tome of beasts and creature codex tokens would be awesome!

Ryan Rogers

Indeed, I already downloaded Lord Soth yesterday , I don't run DL but I've already reskinned it to use for Jingleshod. I also have previously used a few of the BBEG's. Yeah I already vote in this monthly, sorry for the confusion, this all makes sense now. I never even put two and two together and realized that quite often (as with Lord Soth) these are released under FCP because they have to be. So you're already doing what I suggested. :-) #eggonface

John Forrest

Tom, a suggestion: if you start working on Pathfinder stuff, the Battlezoo Bestiary from RollForCombat has Pog-style tokens but no top-down. I wonder if you could colllaborate with them? Some neat beasties in there.