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Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In December we released -

  • 65 Maps, Tiles & Variants
  • 9 Illustrations & Variants
  • 262 Assets
  • 43 Tokens
  • 3 5E Adventures
  • 5 Complete Foundry VTT Modules

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).

Hideouts & Lairs

Black Dragon Lair

The swamp extends for many miles in all directions. At some time in the past a great city stood here, but now all that remains are piles of rubble among the murky waters and fetid air. It is rumoured that below the ground some areas of the city are still intact and hold many treasures.

The swamp itself is dangerous enough, the air and water are poisonous to almost all creatures, and those that are able to endure it and live here are twisted and deranged, but that is not why these ruins remain unexplored. In the centre of the swamp a single structure still stands, a small temple that was most likely inconsequential during the city’s prime.

Now it is home to Nirangor the Judge, an ancient Black Dragon who has perched atop the temple’s tower for centuries. Many believe that Nirangor was the cause of the cities fall, and that to this day he is the source of the miasma of death and decay that pervades. In order to explore the ruins and clear the swamp of its poison, Nirangor will have to be dealt with.

Free          Hi-Res (Traveller+)          Variants (Adventurer+) 

Into the Wilds

Shops & Traders 02

The Hidden Star Fence - There are certain items that can only be bought or sold if you know exactly where to look and who to ask. Every city has that one place where illicit deals can be made, and in this city it's the Hidden Star. At first glance it's a small run down shop selling worthless odds and ends, but if you know the right phrase its proprietor, Iffan Terasik, will lead you through a hidden back door. Prices are steep, but perhaps there is an item you can 'procure' in return instead

Firestones Bookstore - This cosy bookstore has a copy of pretty much every book ever written, and if they don't they can find it. They also have a list of rare or lost books and manuscripts that are in demand from collectors and academics. If you can find some of them, there is the potential to earn a lot of gold!

Moongold Bakery - Despite being a simple bakery, The Moongold is generally considered one of the best places to eat in town. There are often queues around the corner at brunchtime. Many will rave about their bread or cakes, but what they are really famous for are their meat pies. The recipe is such a secret than no one even knows what kind of meat is in them.

Free          Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

Driftwood - The Frontier Town

Driftwood Exterior

Driftwood was one of the first major frontier settlements out in the Freeholds, on the edge of the empire. The community is well established, and everyone knows one another. Indeed most of their stories are so interwoven as to be impossible to untangle. Though the town itself is relatively small, all of the estates and ranches in the area consider themselves ‘Drifters’, a local nickname for the townsfolk. Even the bandit outfits in surrounding hills feel an intrinsic tie it.

Free          Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

Characters of Driftwood - Part 1

Tyrun Deadeye - The proprietor of the Deadeye Saloon, Tyrun sees himself as somewhat of a leader of the townsfolk, but his loyalties are mostly bought with booze and gold. Missing an eye from birth, he wears an ostentatious eyepatch and tells every newcomer a different story about how he ‘lost’ it.

Doctor Sawyer - Doctor Sawyer runs a fine surgery, and also sells a surprisingly good selection of unguents, ointments, salves and medical equipment. Her fascination with the human body, particularly that of the deceased, can tend towards creepy, but her ‘experiments’ are not without merit and there is no one with a better medical mind within a few weeks travel.

Father Bennett - Since the loss of his wife, Father Bennett has become much more quiet and sombre. His skin has turned sallow and sunken, his eyes almost yellow. He spends hours every night inside her mausoleum, most assume he is still grieving, but in reality he believe he is close to bringing her back.

Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

Bread & Pastries Asset Pack - 262 New Assets (Adventurer +) - Contains every kind of tasty treat you can think of, plus a bonus pack of Cutlery and Crockery for those with a little more decorum. Plenty to keep your players stomachs and eyes distracted when their focus should be elsewhere.

Dungeondraft Megapack V1.22 (Adventurer+)- Complete Tom Cartos Asset collection for Dungeondraft, updated every month!

These assets will also be added to Moulinette Cloud

Premium Adventures (Adventurer+)

Corrupted Waters by Alex LeFort (Level 7-9)

When a prominent water temple is overtaken and corrupted by a powerful demon-worshipping sorcerer, the adventurers are contacted by one of the temple’s clerics who has fled in search of aid. If the sorcerer’s plan comes to fruition, the corrupted magic of the temple will be used to raise disastrous flood waters that threaten the entire region.

Can the party help cleanse the waters of their corruption? This adventure takes place in the Cartosia campaign setting, but is designed to be easily placed in another campaign setting with minimal adjustments. The only requirement for this adventure and the temple is that they be placed in close proximity to an ocean or large lake.

Ettercap Forest by DMDave (Level 1, 3, 5 or 8) - 

The party is sent to an ancient forest to investigate a series of disappearances

Santa’s Village by DMDave (Levels 11, 14, 17 or 20) - 

After receiving stockings full of coal, a group of naughty murder-hoboes (the characters) raid Santa’s village. Unfortunately for them, the jolly, old elf is ready for them.

Scenes (Forgemaster+)

These scenes will also be added to Moulinette Cloud

Adventures (Forgemaster+)

Tiamat BBEG - (Free) - Free Tiamat Token with 5 variants

Creature Tokens CR17-20 Sample (Free) - Dragon Turtle token from the 5E CR17-20 Collection 

Creature Tokens CR17-20 (Traveller+) - 7 Creature Tokens from the 5E CR17-20 Collection

Creature Tokens CR17-20 Variants (Adventurer+) - 35 Creature Tokens from the 5E CR17-20 Collection

These tokens will also be added to Moulinette Cloud

These tokens were created for Tom Cartos by Splattered Ink

Marching Citadel (CR 23)

These mysterious constructs roam the land serving as a walking conveyance for those with the ability to create them. The spired towers on their backs have served as a source of wonder for those that aren't privy to the happenings behind the walls. Many a bard has spun a tale in speculation, but precious few have been within the castle on the back of these walking behemoths.

Hi Res (Traveller+) 

This Creature was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews

Wondrous item (Gloves), very rare (requires attunement)

Magics that twist and manipulate the very earth on which we stand are classic, but finding ways to bind those magics to objects and allow anyone to shape them is more unique. These gloves are imparted with the same magics used to raise mighty earthen titans like marching citadels, albeit at a much smaller scale.

These gloves have a number of charges equal to the proficiency bonus of the creature that is attuned to them. During your turn, you can use an action to expend a number of charges of your choosing. Spent charges are regained after finishing a long rest and touching the gloves to earth. Each charge spent allows you to manipulate the earth around you in one of the following ways

Hi Res (Traveller+) 

This magic item was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews



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