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Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In November we released -

  • 36 Maps, Tiles & Variants
  • 2 Illustrations & Variants
  • 154 Assets
  • 51 Tokens
  • 5 5E Adventures
  • 9 Complete Foundry VTT Modules

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).

Ruin & Rebuild

Gothic Cathedral Ruins

These ruins appear to be ancient. Crumbling walls and broken tiles are all that is left of what must once have been a majestic building. Oddly though, there is a man a couple of towns over who swears that less than a week before the Cathedral was brand new, finally finished after nearly 100 years of work.

Other claim he is mistaken, perhaps a little too much ale and not enough sleep. Certainly, he looks somewhat dishevelled. However, he is so certain he is willing to pay anyone who will investigate and bring back some definitive evidence that he is either correct or has lost his mind.

Little information can be unearthed by talking to the other townsfolk. It seems anyone who lives close enough to have knowledge of the cathedral draws a blank when questioned about it and quickly changes the topic.

Free      Hi-Res (Traveller+)      Variants (Adventurer+) 

Green Dragons Lair

The Cloven Tree stands tall even among the other great oaks of the forest, but it was once taller still. A few decades ago, during a mighty storm, a lightning bolt sundered the tree. The Elves who lived amongst its boughs were forced to take refuge and when they returned some days later they found the top of the tree was gone, opening up the now hollow, burnt out trunk to the sky.

The elves attempted to rebuild their homes, but as they did a deafening roar came from within the tree, demanding they flee and never return. Fearing the wrath of the storm gods, the elves did so and to this day they still stay clear. Very few have attempted to scale the tree since, but those that have and were lucky enough to return whimper the name ‘Chlorr’ in their sleep at night.

Free      Hi-Res (Traveller+)      Variants (Adventurer+) 

Into the Wilds - Castles & Keeps 02

Military Camp - As the war rages on and more enemy territory is claimed, outposts and supply chains need to be set up and protected. Although some miles back from the front line, constant vigilance is required at all times. The enemy moves quietly in the night and when they hit, it's hard and fast. A single sleeping sentry can mean the entire camp is overrun in minutes.

Canyon Gateway - The horde thunders in your direction, funnelled through the rocky cliffs toward a single spot. There is no chance of defeating them all, but perhaps you can hold them off for long enough for the other to escape. The gate is shut and the ballista primed. Can you last the night?

Fortified Bridge - The bridge is the only safe way to traverse the river for miles in either direction, especially with horses or wagons, but although it is theoretically open for travellers it marks the border between two kingdoms and those passing through require the correct paperwork. The crossing is well defended, but the night watch has become lax of late and parts of the bridge are under repair. Perhaps there is a way to sneak through without drawing too much attention.

Hilltop Palisade Camp - A group of bandits have set up base on top of a hill overlooking the road. They have been robbing passersby for the last few weeks, but the local guard seem not to care, or are perhaps in the bandits pay. The camp is difficult to attack as they have unbroken views all around and a makeshift palisade wall around the camp. The traders guild are offering a reward for anyone who can get rid of them.

Free      Hi-Res (Traveller+)     

Gothic Cathedral Interior

The Cathedral has only been recently completed after almost a century of work. Four generations of the same family of master builders spent their entire lives on its construction. Becket Stonewright, the patriarch of the family and first master builder, died almost 50 years ago but his body is entombed in the mausoleum nearby so he can keep watch over his masterpiece.

Despite its glory, many of the locals have yet to attend a service. There are rumours that Becket made some ungodly deal with dark spirits to give him the inspiration and skills required to design such a marvel. No proof of this has ever been found, but the whispers continue to this day, and still plague Thomas Stonewright, the current Dean of the church.

It is likely many could get past the suspicions, but there is a greater fear that now the Cathedral is complete, the evil forces that helped create it will return to take what is theirs.

Free      Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

This illustration was created by Eduardo Nonato for Tom Cartos

Cemetery Asset Pack - 154 New Assets- (Adventurer+)
This Asset Packs is 'Cemetery' themed, and contains prefab assets for you to quickly build out your own maps. Create your very own cemetery or graveyard and just hope that the players can keep the dead dead!

Dungeondraft Megapack V1.21 (Adventurer+) -
Complete Tom Cartos Asset collection for Dungeondraft, updated every month! 

These assets have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

Free Adventures (Free)

Gargoyle Cathedral by DMDave (Level 5)
The characters enter a gothic cathedral to rid it of the pests within. Little do they know that the cathedral is the lair of deadly creatures disguised as statues. And that’s not even the worst thing there—pockets of strong temporal magic pose a great risk to any creature that enters the cathedral, potentially shunting them back into the past.

Wight Cemetery by DMDave (Level 5)
Strange occurrences at the local cemetery draw the characters to the location. They quickly discover something sinister lurks within the old graveyard—and perhaps below it, too.

Chain Devil Crypts by DMDave (Level 11)
Strange occurrences at the local cemetery draw the characters to the location. They quickly discover something sinister lurks within the old graveyard—and perhaps below it, too.

Zombie Farmhouse by DMDave (Level 1)
Following a strong lead, the characters investigate a recently abandoned farmhouse in a region overrun by the undead. Soon, they find themselves surrounded by ravenous zombies with no way to escape.

Premium Adventures (Adventurer+)

The Adelfurth Heist by Alex LeFort (Level 7)
For reasons particular to the party, the adventurers must assault or infiltrate Adelfurth’s Arcanery, a magic item shop within the city. Will they be above to successfully break, enter, and retrieve the item that they seek, or will they be blown apart by the shop’s defenses?

Gargoyle Cathedral by DMDave (Level 5,8,11 or 14)
The characters enter a gothic cathedral to rid it of the pests within. Little do they know that the cathedral is the lair of deadly creatures disguised as statues. And that’s not even the worst thing there—pockets of strong temporal magic pose a great risk to any creature that enters the cathedral, potentially shunting them back into the past.

Wight Cemetery by DMDave (Level 5,8,11 or 14)
Strange occurrences at the local cemetery draw the characters to the location. They quickly discover something sinister lurks within the old graveyard—and perhaps below it, too

Chain Devil Crypts by DMDave (Level 11,14,17 or 20)
Strange occurrences at the local cemetery draw the characters to the location. They quickly discover something sinister lurks within the old graveyard—and perhaps below it, too.

Zombie Farmhouse by DMDave (Level 1,3,5, or 8)
Following a strong lead, the characters investigate a recently abandoned farmhouse in a region overrun by the undead. Soon, they find themselves surrounded by ravenous zombies with no way to escape.

Scenes (Forgemaster +)

These scenes have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

Adventures (Forgemaster+)

Acererak BBEG - (Free) - Free Acererak Token with 5 variants

Creature Tokens CR15&16 Sample (Free) - Purple Worm token from the 5E CR15&16 Collection

Creature Tokens CR15&16 (Traveller+) - 9 Creature Tokens from the 5E CR15&16 Collection

Creature Tokens CR15&16 Variants (Adventurer+) - 46 Creature Tokens from the 5E CR15&16 Collection 

These tokens have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

These tokens were created for Tom Cartos by Splattered Ink



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