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Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In October we released -

  • 136 Maps, Tiles & Variants
  • 6 Illustrations & Variants
  • 322 Assets
  • 57 Tokens
  • 2 5E Adventures
  • 4 Complete Foundry VTT Modules
  • 1 Magic Item
  • 1 Custom Creature

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).

Ruin & Rebuild

Gothic Cathedral

The Cathedral has only been recently completed after almost a century of work. Four generations of the same family of master builders spent their entire lives on its construction. Becket Stonewright, the patriarch of the family and first master builder, died almost 50 years ago but his body is entombed in the mausoleum nearby so he can keep watch over his masterpiece.

Despite its glory, many of the locals have yet to attend a service. There are rumours that Becket made some ungodly deal with dark spirits to give him the inspiration and skills required to design such a marvel. No proof of this has ever been found, but the whispers continue to this day, and still plague Thomas Stonewright, the current Dean of the church.

It is likely many could get past the suspicions, but there is a greater fear that now the Cathedral is complete, the evil forces that helped create it will return to take what is theirs.

Free           Hi-Res (Traveller+)           Variants (Adventurer+) 

Gothic Cemetery

The Cemetery is within the Cathedral grounds, a short walk from the main structure. It was initially conceived by Becket Stonewright as a way to raise funds. Wealthy families paid to have a mausoleum and crypt constructed to house their loved ones remains on consecrated ground, and he used the money to pay for the materials and labour to start the Cathedral.

Thomas Stonewright, the current Dean of the Cathedral is keen to increase attendance now the Cathedral is complete, and he has heard from some members of the congregation that suspicious characters have been seen in the vicinity of the Cemetery, and that many believe them to be connected to the rumours of Becket’s ungodly deals.

The Dean is looking for outsiders to investigate the site, and finally put to bed the allegations that surround the cathedral and his family. However, the reality is that Becket did make a deal, not with the devil, but with a cult that deals in dark magics.

In return for substantial monetary aid and support, they requested to have secret rooms built within the crypts, on the consecrated ground. Becket never asked why, happy to take the money, but now generations later that deal may be about to catch up to his great-great grandson and the Cathedral that was his life’s work.

Free           Hi-Res (Traveller+)           Variants (Adventurer+) 

Into the Wilds - Ruins 03

City Street Ruins - The walls were breached fairly quickly, but not before most of the populace had a chance to evacuate through the tunnels. Now, a few weeks later, there is still no clear end to the fighting. Neither side has managed to expel the other, with small urban skirmishes taking over from the large open battles of the siege. Almost everything of value has been removed, whether by the civilians as they fled, looters in the hours after, or by militia from either side looking for supplies. The city is surprisingly quiet, but do not make the mistake of letting your guard down.

Fallen Watcher - The Watcher is a semi-mythical figure in the City. Despite their fearsome appearance, they are known for fighting evil and protecting the people. The city guard sees them as a dangerous vigilante, and their true identity is unknown. Despite this a statue was built to honour them outside the city, across the river on a hilltop where it could watch over everyone. A few nights ago something sundered the statue, leaving it in a pile of rubble on the ground.

Temple Ruins - There are a few structures like these dotted around the region. They were once temples to a now dead god, abandoned and left to the passage of time. Perhaps some divine magic still lingers among the stones?

Hilltop Watchtower Ruins - Under the previous Lord, the watchtowers were all manned and maintained, keeping the borders safe from incursion. Since his death a few years past, they have been allowed to fall into disrepair. A couple of nights ago, the beacon on top of the nearest tower was lit. With no local guard in place outside of a few town militia, the people are concerned it may be being used by the enemy to signal an attack. They are looking for adventurers to investigate.

Free           Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

Ziggurat of Cihua

Deep in the tropical forests on the southern tip of the continent, an isolated tribe of lizard folk dedicate their daily lives to the worship of Cihua, the Serpentine Goddess. It is said that she is the one who poisons the waters of the surrounding marshes and wetlands, forcing away all but the most toxic and hardy of creatures, and provides fresh, clean water only to those who serve in her name. That the lizard folk are able to survive here at all is proof if her divine intervention, and those who suffer from the poisoned water are rightly punished as non-believers.

However it was not the tribe who built the ziggurat that is now the focus of their worship and source of their survival. They merely came across it when searching for a new home in the jungle. It is unknown how long it has existed, who created it, or what it's original purpose was. What is clear is that it is at the centre of the spread of disease and contagion that is slowly corrupting all of the surrounding lands.

Free           Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

This illustration was created by Eduardo Nonato for Tom Cartos

Woodlands Asset Pack - 322 New Assets + 21 New Textures (Adventurer+) -  This Asset Packs is 'Woodlands' themed, and contains prefab assets for you to quickly build out your own maps. Put together a lush, living woodland map in no time! As well as over 300 assets, this packs contains 21 Seamless Texture Patterns so you can quickly create a natural, organic woodland floor by layering the patterns in a variety of ways.

Dungeondraft Megapack V1.20 (Adventurer+)- Complete Tom Cartos Asset collection for Dungeondraft, updated every month! 

Free Adventures (Free)

Frostbitten to Death by Elven Tower (Level 7) -
In Frostbitten to Death, a group of level-7 adventurers travels to Frostpeak, one of the largest northern cities, and the capital of the White Horizon territories. They may be hired to investigate a series of murders in the city's surroundings or get involved in these crimes on their way to the capital. Their decisions will dictate how this adventure ends and who gets to live or not!

Premium Adventures (Adventurer+)

Blessing of the Elements by Alex LeFort (Any Level) -
An isolated temple deep within the forest reveals itself as a Fey crossing once every century — and confers its blessing to those who can unlock its secrets. Will the party be able to prove themselves worthy and be bestowed an elemental gift?

Scenes (Forgemaster +)

BBEG - Star Spawn Hulk (Free) - Free Star Spawn Hulk Token with 5 variants

Creature Tokens CR13&14 Sample (Free) - 2 Vampire Tokens from the 5E CR13&14 Collection

Creature Tokens CR13&14 (Traveller+) - 10 Creature Tokens from the 5E CR13&14 Collection

Creature Tokens CR13&14 Variants (Adventurer+) - 52 Creature Tokens from the 5E CR13&14 Collection

These tokens have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

These tokens were created for Tom Cartos by Splattered Ink

Stained Bulwark
Shield, rare (requires attunement)

Crafted from the husk of a stained luminary, what appears to be simple glass is actually magically infused to be tougher than steel. Crafting these shields is a marriage of artificing and glassworking that is difficult to master, but worth it for those that wish to harness the unique powers of the luminaries for their own gain. You have a +1 bonus to AC while attuned to this magical shield.

You can speak a command word to cause this shield to emit bright light in a 30 ft. cone in front of you and dim light for an additional 30 ft. You can speak the command word again to cause the light to fade. As a bonus action, you can cause the shield to emit blinding light in a 30 ft. cone in front of you for 1 minute. Any creature that can see the light and begins their turn in the cone or moves into it for the first time must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of their turn.

Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until the next dawn after having bathed the shield in sunlight for 1 minute or in front of a fire for 5 minutes.

Free           Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

This magic item was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews

Stained Luminary

Living creatures of pure stained glass, the luminaries are said to be protectors of sites most holy that cannot fall into the hands of evil. Some prowl the sites that they guard, while others lie in wait, masked as those they were just another window in a cathedral.

The creation of a Stained Luminary is no small undertaking. They are living beings of light and magically infused glass that takes years of craftsmanship to perfect. The perfect marriage of artificing and glasswork comes together to make these seemingly fragile beings far more resilient than one could expect. The final breath of life given to them by a touch of divine magic.

Hi Res (Traveller+) 

This Creature was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews

Into the Wilds Battlemaps Books

There are only 3 days left before my Into the Wilds Battlemap Books Kickstarter campaign ends! If you haven't already ordered yours, head here to find out more and pledge now! 




Hey Tom I just wanted to say thank you for making all the awesome content that you make. Your maps and map assets are fabulous and I'm extremely happy to be able to use them. It's really a boon to DMs like me that talented artists like you exist.


Thanks so much! Its always really nice to hear things like that. I hope to continue to make your DMing easier!