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Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In September we released -

  • 106 Maps, Tiles & Variants
  • 194 Assets
  • 58 Tokens
  • 2 5E Adventures
  • 6 Complete Foundry VTT Modules
  • 1 New Creature

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).

Ruin & Rebuild

Isolated Temple

This nameless temple can be found deep in the Forest of Shadows. It is rarely visited, even by the local druidic tribe, but whoever maintains it keeps it in immaculate condition. They seem to be startled by visitors however as the building currently stands empty.

Five shrines surround the temple. Four of them are clearly dedicated to the primary elements: air, earth, fire and water, but the fifth simply contains a single goblet on a pedestal. Within the temples small library are books discussing ‘ascension’ and hints of a ritual that can be performed here. Whatever the ritual is meant to achieve does not seem to be specified.

Free           Hi-Res (Traveller+)           Variants (Adventurer+) 

Isolated Temple Ruins

Following the successful ritual, the ground begins to shake violently. A swirling energy in the centre of the room combines the elemental forces and with an explosive rush a huge tree erupts from the ground. As the tree grows with extreme speed, so too the temple starts to lift from the ground. The surrounding landscape seems to fall away as the temple hurtles upwards. You are overcome with nausea but have to fight to not be crushed by falling debris.

Then as quickly as is begun, everything stops moving and a stillness takes over. You step outside what remains of the temple to find yourself on a small floating island, 1000s of feet up in the sky. Peering below, it seems the clouds and open blue sky go on forever in every direction. Are you even on the same plane of existence anymore?

Free          Hi-Res (Traveller+)          Variants (Adventurer+) 

Into the Wilds - Urban 02

City Street T Junction - This quiet street looks like many others around the city. People come and go, heading out to work or to visit a friend. Some evenings you might hear laughter and music as residents party the night away, others only the gentle flicker of the street lanterns. All in all this is an entirely unremarkable area, so what exactly is a group of adventurers doing here?

City Street Plaza - A little further down the street it opens out into a small fountain plaza. Once a week a few local merchants set up stalls here and hold an unofficial market. Although they technically don't have a license for it, no one really minds. After all, it builds community spirit. One entrepreneurial resident even sets a few tables in the street outside her house and serves tea and cakes to passers by.

City Street Side Roads - Past the plaza, the street quietens down. There is rarely a reason for anyone other than the local residents to wander this far and most folks around here know one another so a stranger, or strangers, tend to stick out. Perhaps this is why you can feel eyes on you as you make your way further along.

City Street Alleys - This street mimics many like it in the city. The paving, the street furniture, the building architecture, it all tends to blend together after a while and one street looks much like any other. You think this to yourself as you look around, unsure of which direction you came from or in which you should go. Didn't you already walk past this house 5 minutes ago? Have you really lost your way, is the city actively trying to get you lost.

Urban 02 Free Bundle (Free)
Urban 02 Complete Bundle (Traveller+) 

Deadeye Saloon

The Deadeye was among the first buildings constructed as part of the new town and is in an almost constant state of disrepair. The local carpenter keeps his family of 4 fed on the repairs here alone, although the punters don’t seem to mind much. In fact, they cause most of the damage.

The menu is simple, beer, whiskey or beer. On request a side of cigars is available for children. No one comes here for high quality service, although the entertainment isn’t bad. Bar fights are an almost daily occurrence, the piano music is tolerable, and someone is always willing to take your money at cards, dominoes or any other game you can bet on.

The proprietor, Tyrun Deadeye, sees himself as somewhat of a leader of the townsfolk, but his loyalties are mostly bought with booze and gold. Missing his left eye from birth, he wears an ostentatious eyepatch and tells every newcomer a different story about how he ‘lost’ it. If you want to hear a real story though, ask about the giant 'replacement' eye suspended above the bar.

Free          Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

This illustration was created by Eduardo Nonato for Tom Cartos

Ruined Town Asset Pack - 194 New Assets - (Adventurer+)
This Asset Packs is 'Ruined Town' themed, and contains prefab assets for you to quickly build out your own maps. It includes everything you need to devastate your players by destroying their favourite locations

Dungeondraft Megapack V1.19 (Adventurer+)-
Complete Tom Cartos Asset collection for Dungeondraft, updated every month! 

Free Adventures (Free)

Hobgoblin Hideout by DMDave (Level 3) -
A band of hobgoblins and other goblinoids reside within an old bandit fortress, creating trouble across the countryside.

Premium Adventures (Adventurer+)

Prison of the Magi by Alex LeFort (Level 9) -
For reasons particular to the party, the characters must assault or infiltrate the maximum-security magic user prison overseen by the Order of the Magi.

Hobgoblin Hideout by DMDave (Level 1, 3, 5 or 8) -
A band of hobgoblins and other goblinoids reside within an old bandit fortress, creating trouble across the countryside.

Scenes (Forgemaster +)

Ziggurat of Cihua 

Djingure Mud Fort 

Todos Santos 

Eastwatch Garrison Ruins 

Barrel & Brewhouse Ruins 

Adventures (Forgemaster +)

Hobgoblin Hideout by DMDave 

Creature Tokens CR11&12 Sample (Free) - Horned Devil Creature Token from the 5E CR11&12 Collection

Creature Tokens CR11&12 (Traveller+) - 10 Creature Tokens from the 5E CR11&12 Collection

Creature Tokens CR11&12 Variants (Adventurer+) - 58 Creature Tokens from the 5E CR11&12 Collection

These tokens have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

These tokens were created for Tom Cartos by Splattered Ink

The Span Hunter (CR10) (Traveller+)
The vast expanses of time and space are a welcome reprieve for some that seek to run away from the problems they may have amassed for themselves. Some find peace in the distance from their problems. Distance doesn't stop all hunters though.

Span Hunters care little about how far they have to go to seek their prey. Once a hunter is put on your tail, you have little hope of avoiding an inevitable conflict with them. They tirelessly follow their targets across space and planes, never letting up until their bounty has been found.

This creature was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews

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