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This is the base set for this weeks maps. It includes high resolution day and night variants of every level. Higher tier patrons can get the complete set with additional variants HERE 

This map set is part of the Ruin & Rebuild series.

You can get the un-ruined versions of these maps HERE 


Under Abbess Temerion the church was a place of sanctuary and peace for all, but it would be hard to believe that seeing it now. The belltower that sang out every morning has been sundered from the building, taking much of the rest of the structure down with it. The pews have been thrown askew and the once vibrant gardens have withered and died.

Even the crypts below have been ransacked, although on closer inspection this damage seems to have been caused by something else. Something more…feral. Whatever happened in Ostenwold seems to be far more than a bandit raid, it almost feels as though multiple evils have been drawn here at once, but why and by whom?

Grid Information

GRID SIZE 22x17 (300DPI)
SIZE – 3080x2380 (140DPI)

Design Notes

Church of the Everlight Ruins - Crypt

  • 01 – Broken Stairs – Leads up to 17
  • 02 – Hallway – Something incredibly powerful has barrelled through the narrow corridors and small rooms in the crypt, taking out large sections of the wall and even the rock behind it in its frenzy.
  • 03 – Family Crypt – Somehow this small area has been largely untouched.
  • 04 – Destroyed Family Crypt – Most of the rooms in the crypt house the remains of members of the families that have been in Ostenwold the longest.
  • 05 – Ungrimst Family Crypt
  • 06 – Tunnel – Whatever burrowed out of the ground and did all this damage seems to have ultimately left via this tunnel. Is it long gone, or just waiting around the corner?
  • 07 – Treasure Room – Occasionally a member of the community would leave their wealth to the church when they died. In that case it would be stored here and distributed to those in need. The chests and broken urns are empty, but perhaps they were anyway. Abbess Temerion was always incredibly generous.
  • 08 – Great Crypt – The community leaders and elders of Ostenwold have always had the option to be laid to rest here. It seems the creature or creatures may have been hungry when they emerged from the depths, as there are no longer any remains in the broken coffins.
  • 09 – Burrow – It is hard to tell how deep the hole goes, but it has been created recently and looking at how the rubble has fallen, seems to have been dug upwards from below. A foul stench drifts from it.
  • 10 - Destroyed Family Crypt

Church of the Everlight Ruins - Graveyard

  • 11 – Nave – Under normal circumstances you might find a few townsfolk here, perhaps gathered in silent prayer, or comforting one another. Now there is only wreckage.
  • 12 – Apse – The statue of the Goddess that has stood here since before the church was built around it has been broken, most likely by falling debris from the belltower.
  • 13 – Bedroom – This small chamber was used as a healing room and hostel when needed. It is the only part of the church that remains unscathed.
  • 14 Garden – Abbess Temerion tended to her plants with almost as much care and love as her congregation. Now only a few dead shrubs remain.
  • 15 – Abbess Temerion’s Quarters – Crushed almost entirely by the fallen belltower. We can only hope she wasn’t in the room when it fell.
  • 16 – Graveyard
  • 17 – Crypt Entrance – Stairs lead down to 01

Church of the Everlight Ruins – Community Room

  • 18 – Mezzanine
  • 19 – Community Room – This room was used by different community groups as a meeting place.

Church of the Everlight Ruins – Roof

  • 20 – Belltower Remains – The sounds of the bell ringing every morning meant the start of a new day for Ostenwold and its people. It has rung every morning for years without fail, but now it lies dormant.



Sebastien H.

Nice :) just a little mistake if i'm not wrong, the church is number 03 on the map (not 04 wich is the tower)


Hi Sebastien, I'm not going to be doing ruined versions for every Ostenwold building, so I am just numbering them in the order I release them.