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MANIFEST URL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uaium1h4o29uls4/module.json?dl=1

Green Hag Forest is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 3, 5, 7, or 9. This document offers a general guideline on how to scale the adventure for each level. 

The characters catch wind of a deadly coven of witches and must enter an enchanted forest to root them out.

Installation instructions are included in a 'read me' file in the download package and can also be found here.

These scenes will be added to Moulinette Cloud at the end of the month.

Alternatively you can use the Manifest URL to install the module directly in the Foundry App. To use the Manifest URL:

  • Go to 'Add-On Modules' in the start up screen.
  • Select 'Install Module'
  • Copy/Paste the Manifest URL from above into the 'Manifest URL' box
  • Hit 'Install'

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