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Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In July we released -

  • 212 Maps, Tiles & Variants
  • 324 Assets
  • 95 Tokens
  • 1 5E Adventure
  • 5 Complete Foundry VTT Modules
  • 1 Magic Item

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).


The Mage's Prison

As well as leading research and advising the senate, the Order of the Magi are in charge of overseeing the imprisonment of the most dangerous criminals in Samarahd, those with high level magical abilities. Deep below their island, deeper even than the floor of the surrounding oasis, is the Mage’s Prison.

Access into and out of the prison is by teleportation portal, and that portal can only be activated by the Order from within their tower so escape from within is all but impossible. Additional arcane protections and suppressive runes throughout the prison structure mean that once inside the prison, no magic can be used.

Free         Hi-Res (Travellers+)         Variants (Adventurer+) 

Ruins of Ostenwold

Eastwatch Garrison Ruins

The Eastwatch Garrison and militia were both founded and built by Deùlara’s partner, Horst Blackfoot. Although he has since retired, he would be the next best person to seek for information. The garrison is the most defensible spot in the town, and from the hilltop it has uninterrupted views to the road and bridge, as well as the town itself. Even if there are no more clues there as to what happened, it might be a good location to set up a temporary base and scout the area.

The Garrison’s main gate and watchtower have been destroyed in what looks like a direct assault, and all the supplies and the armoury have been cleared out. It is not immediately clear if they were taken by the townsfolk as they escaped, or if they were pillaged by an attacking group.

 Free         Hi-Res (Travellers+)         Variants (Adventurer+) 

Beard & Barrel Brewhouse Ruins

The Beard & Barrel Brewhouse is a little way out of town set back in the woods, so it may have avoided whatever fate befell the rest of the town. Plus the four dwarf sisters who run it have a reputation as people not to mess with.

Sadly, it become quickly apparent as you get closer that the Brewhouse has also been partially destroyed. Even worse, it seems to have been infested by giant spiders. There may be valuable information inside about what happened, but to have a chance at finding it, you are probably going to need to clear out the new occupants.

Free         Hi-Res (Travellers+)         Variants (Adventurer+) 

Into the Wilds

MegaDungeon & Dungeon Map Tiles

We recently released the Tomb of the Forgotten Aberrant adventure module for Adventurer tier patrons, for which I created this 'Mega Dungeon' combining a number of the previously released Into the Wilds Dungeons maps. I thought some of you who aren't Adventurer patrons might also want to make use of it.

As well as that, a few people had requested transparent tiles of the ItW Dungeon maps to go with the Modular Dungeon Connectors. I have included those as well!

Free         Hi-Res (Travellers+) 

Shops & Traders 01

  • The Whimsical Carrot Adventuring Supplies - The Whimsical Carrot stocks all the basics an adventuring party might need before heading on the road, from candlesticks to crowbars to crossbows. The stock may not be the highest quality available, but it will certainly do the job without breaking the bank. There are even a few spare bunks available to get a good nights sleep before heading out.
  • The Empty Vial Apothecary - The Apothecary has been added to and built upon multiple times and so has a very ad-hoc appearance from the outside, like a bunch of separate buildings fell into each other. The interior however is clean, well organised and well stocked. Just be very careful what you touch in the back room, some of the ingredients have unique defence mechanisms.
  • Adelfurth’s Arcanary Magic Item Shop - Adelfurth's Arcanary has existed for decades, and is now run by his three sons. The younger draws in customers by selling trinkets and cheap tricks at the stall outside, before sending the wealthier looking customers inside to be served by the middle brother. Meanwhile the elder is busy in the back fulfilling enchanting orders and refilling their stock.
  • The Unbreaking Anvil Blacksmith - The Unbreaking Anvil has supplied the local townsfolk with simple tools and horseshoes for many years. A sudden fire burned the entire building to the ground a few years ago, and once the smoke had cleared all that remained was the anvil, completely untouched. This inspired the smith to rebuild and start selling weapons and arms to passing adventurers, as she believed the anvil must have some inherent resistance magic that she could pass on to anything she forged.

Shops & Traders 01 Free Bundle (Free) 

Shops & Traders 01 Complete Bundle (Traveller+) 

Mages Study Asset Pack - 237 New Assets (Adventurer+)- This Asset Packs is 'Mages Study' themed. It contains everything your wizard, sorcerer or artificer needs to keep themselves occupied for hours on end in their office. Most likely poking and prodding things that are going to blow up.

Mages Study Prefabs Asset Pack - 87 New Assets (Adventurer+) 

Dungeondraft Megapack V1.17 (Adventurer+)- Complete Tom Cartos Asset collection for Dungeondraft, updated every month! 

These assets have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

Serpents of Samarahd by Alex LeFort (2nd to 4th Level)

The son of a nomadic chieftain visiting the city of Samarahd has fallen deathly ill, victim of a common drug that has been laced with a dangerous new ingredient.

The characters must track down the source of this narcotic, where they will brush up against the Serpents, a fledgling criminal gang looking to make a name for themselves in the city. Can they talk the gang into adjusting their business practices, or will violence be the only language that the Serpents understand?


Scenes (Forgemaster+)

These scenes have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

BBEG - Star Spawn Mangler (Free) - Free Star Spawn Token with 8 variants

Creature Tokens CR7&8 Sample (Free) - 3 Creature Tokens from the 5E CR7&8 Collection

Creature Tokens CR7&8 (Traveller+) - 17 Creature Tokens from the 5E CR7&8 Collection

Creature Tokens CR7&8 Variants (Adventurer+) - 87 Creature Tokens from the 5E CR7&8 Collection

These tokens have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

These tokens were created for Tom Cartos by Splattered Ink 

Stoneshearer Warhammer by Abyssal Brews

Warhammer, rare (requires attunement)

This remarkably heavy warhammer is difficult to get used to at first, but over time grows to feel powerful in the hands of a determined warrior. When a hit with this hammer lands, there is a low rumble that echoes 40 ft. in all directions. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magical weapon.

As this hammer was originally crafted to cut through thick rock and earth, it’s quite impactful when it hits a hardened surface. While attuned to this hammer, it deals double damage to objects and structures. Additionally, if a creature is taking cover behind an object made of stone, wood, or other softer materials, they lose one degree of cover benefit for each attack that hits that object within 5 ft. of the creature. Total cover becomes three-quarters cover for example.

Hidden Potential. While attuned to this weapon, you can use an action to strike a stone no larger than a 2 ft. cube and crumble it into a remarkable replica of a small object no larger than the original piece of stone. This replica item is non-magical and otherwise worthless. Close inspection reveals it to be a replica with a DC 13 perception check.

Free           Full Version (Traveller+) 

This magic item was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews 



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