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Hey everyone!

This months new magic item from Abyssal Brews is the Stoneshearer Warhammer

This is the free version of the magic item.
Patrons can get the complete pack with Alternate Layouts, Printable Cards, Art Files and more HERE 

Stoneshearer Warhammer

Warhammer, rare (requires attunement)

This remarkably heavy warhammer is difficult to get used to at first, but over time grows to feel powerful in the hands of a determined warrior. When a hit with this hammer lands, there is a low rumble that echoes 40 ft. in all directions. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magical weapon.

As this hammer was originally crafted to cut through thick rock and earth, it’s quite impactful when it hits a hardened surface. While attuned to this hammer, it deals double damage to objects and structures. Additionally, if a creature is taking cover behind an object made of stone, wood, or other softer materials, they lose one degree of cover benefit for each attack that hits that object within 5 ft. of the creature. Total cover becomes three-quarters cover for example.

Hidden Potential. While attuned to this weapon, you can use an action to strike a stone no larger than a 2 ft. cube and crumble it into a remarkable replica of a small object no larger than the original piece of stone. This replica item is non-magical and otherwise worthless. Close inspection reveals it to be a replica with a DC 13 perception check.


AbyssalBrews is a team of two creating elegant magic items, creatures, character options, and more for your 5E table. We release fully illustrated content weekly in tons of formats to fit your table whether physical or digital. We have dozens of items in our backlog that you get instant access to the moment you sign up. Let us take some of your prep work off your hands with our items and options.

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Tiers start at $3/Month



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