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This is the base set for this weeks maps. It includes high resolution day and night variants of every level. Higher tier patrons can get the complete set with additional variants HERE 

This map set is part of the Ruin & Rebuild series.

You can get the un-ruined versions of these maps HERE 


The Eastwatch Garrison and militia were both founded and built by Deùlara’s partner, Horst Blackfoot. Although he has since retired, he would be the next best person to seek for information. The garrison is the most defensible spot in the town, and from the hilltop it has uninterrupted views to the road and bridge, as well as the town itself. Even if there are no more clues there as to what happened, it might be a good location to set up a temporary base and scout the area.

The Garrison’s main gate and watchtower have been destroyed in what looks like a direct assault, and all the supplies and the armoury have been cleared out. It is not immediately clear if they were taken by the townsfolk as they escaped, or if they were pillaged by an attacking group.

Grid Information

GRID SIZE 34x22 (300DPI)
SIZE – 4760x3080 (140DPI)

Design Notes

Eastwatch Garrison Ruins - Prison

  • 01 – Stairs – Leads up to the Captain’s Office (19)
  • 02 – Cells – These previously held the towns criminals before they were transported to Dorran. Hopefully they were empty when the walls collapsed.
  • 03 – Storage Room – Food and other general supplies were stored here, either in case of a siege on the garrison, or as emergency supplies for the town. It seems now everything has been removed. In doing so, a secret entrance behind one of the cupboards has been revealed.
  • 04 – Torture Room – There were some concerns among the town when Regis Forlorne was promoted to Captain of the militia after Horst’s retirement. Although no one had any direct evidence, many in the town distrusted him. Here it seems is proof of his evil, a hidden torture chamber and cell constructed below the garrison.
  • 05 – Hidden Cell
  • 06 – Hidden Study – Regis notes are scattered and confusing. It seems he was studying something by experimenting on some of the prisoners he thought no one would miss, but what and why is unclear. Was he behind the assault, or is this unrelated?
  • 07 – Secret Chamber – As well as the torture chamber and study, Regis had built an escape tunnel and secret chamber.
  • 08 – Secret Stash – A pack and some supplies are stored here, presumably in case of emergency. The chest holds a number of valuables
  • 09 – Collapsed Tunnel – Whatever destroyed the prison cell walls also dug into Regis’ escape tunnel. Perhaps his experiments were disturbing the creatures that live down here.
  • 10 – River Cavern – The wide-open cavern seems to be some sort of creature den. Whether they are related to the attacks above, or something else entirely is unknown.

Eastwatch Garrison Ruins - Courtyard

  • 11 – Collapsed Gate – The gate has been destroyed by something powerful. A siege engine or high-level spell maybe?
  • 12 – Courtyard – Previously the militia training grounds, the courtyard is now filled with rubble and debris.
  • 13 – Fallen Watchtower – Whatever took out the gate seems to have also demolished the tower.
  • 14 – Blacksmith Remains – The garrison smith forged and repaired all of the militia equipment. Whatever wasn’t destroyed in the attack seems to have been scavenged.
  • 15 – Stables
  • 16 – Mess Hall – The militia dining hall and meeting room has also been ransacked. Some sort of close quarters fight seems to have happened here. Stairs lead up to 21
  • 17 – Kitchen
  • 18 – Pantry – All of the week’s food supplies are usually stored here, but everything that might have been edible has been removed.
  • 19 – Captain’s Office – The militia captain’s office stored much of the written information about the area. Maps, records, and scouting reports may help provide some insight into what happened. Stairs lead down to 01
  • 20 – Cell

Eastwatch Garrison Ruins - Courtyard

  • 21 – Stairs – Leads down to 16 and up to 26
  • 22 – Bunks – When not on shift, some of the militia slept in bunks on site so as to be ready in case of an emergency.
  • 23 – Armoury – All of the weapons and armour that supplied the militia were stored here. Everything has been taken.
  • 24 – Ramparts
  • 25 - Walkway

Eastwatch Garrison Ruins - Roof

  • 26 – Rooftop Lookout – Stairs lead down to 21



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