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Hey everyone!

I have a couple of updates to share with you all that have been promised for a while and that I am working on in the background. These are intended to help you access and find my content in a much easier and more intuitive way than scrolling endlessly through Patreon's slightly janky and unresponsive UI.

Tom Cartos Newsletter

First is the Tom Cartos newsletter. Each month I will send out a 'Monthly Roundup' similar to the ones I have been posting on Patreon recently

For Patrons this will have links to all of the previous months premium content in a single place so you can easily browse through and grab the new stuff that you want.

For those who follow me for my free content, it will also have a direct download to get all of the free releases for the previous month as well. You'll also get a pack of free goodies just for signing up.

Hopefully this will mean much less time searching through Patreon, and you can also turn off the annoying email notifications that go out with every single post (info on how to do that here).

I will also occasionally let you know about some of the cool projects and Kickstarters that I hear about and think you will like.

To subscribe to the newsletter head to my new website tomcartos.com and type your email address into the box.

I will never sell your data or information, this email list will only be contacted by me and I won't be sending random spam. You can also unsubscribe at any time if you need.

Tom Cartos Website

The site is very much in early development at the moment. Right now only the Homepage, Contact Form and FAQ are 'live'.

My plan is for the site to act as a gallery where you can browse or search through my content to quickly find what you need, and then be linked back to the relevant Patreon post to download the content.

I am working on setting up the gallery, but it's going to take some time. As it turns out I have created an absurd amount of stuff in the last 3 years and, frustratingly, I just keep making more.

For now you can check out a preview of what the Map Gallery will look like here - https://www.tomcartos.com/map-gallery 

At the moment, only the Ostenwold links will work, everything else will bring up an error message, but I would love to get some early feedback from you all. Please head over to the preview gallery linked above, have a look around and click on some (Ostenwold) stuff to see how it works. If you have some ideas for how I can improve it, or if anything is broken, please let me know in the comments. I want to make this an easy browsing experience for all of you.

I don't have a timescale for when the site will be completed just yet, but my priorities are:

  • 1 - Finish the Map Gallery
  • 2 - Asset Gallery
  • 3 - Token Gallery
  • 4 - Adventure Module Library
  • 5 - Store to Buy my Content Directly

I will keep you updated as I go.

Thanks in advance for everyone who signs up to the Newsletter and checks out the gallery preview.




Congratulations on launching your website! And thanks for making this, it will make browsing your collection much easier.

Erlend Aakre

Map gallery looks great both on mobile and 4k screen! will be a super handy resource for browsing all the maps and getting inspiration based on a particular biome (winter, desert, etc..)