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Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In June we released -

  • 328 Maps, Tiles & Variants
  • 6 Illustrations
  • 481 Assets
  • 7 Tokens
  • 1 5E Adventure
  • 5 Complete Foundry VTT Modules

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).


Tower of the Magi

The Order of the Magi are the most learned and gifted members of each of the desert’s tribes. The Order formed very early on in Samarahd’s history to share their knowledge and continue to learn for the sake of the city and its people. They regularly advise the senate on sensitive matters and are in contact with other similar institutions and guilds through the continent.

Although not a requirement of becoming a member, the vast majority of the order are magically inclined in some way or other, and a large focus of their work is in the study of the arcane. The Tower of the Magi is the Order’s home, and much of their study is undertaken here. The Tower, or really towers, are situated on a small island in the centre of the city’s largest oasis. All access, whether by boat or using the teleportation circles located at the base of the towers, is only with permission of the Order and that is hard to come by.

The towers themselves are visible from all sides of the great Oasis. Although somewhat hard to make out due to the distance, many onlookers have noted that the height of the towers seems to change occasionally. It has never been witnessed happening directly, but some days certain towers seem taller or shorter, although the central ‘Star Tower’ always remains the highest point.

Free          Hi-Res (Travellers+)           Variants (Adventurer+) 

Ruin & Rebuild

Ruins of Ostenwold 01 - Sanguine Dawn Inn

The Township of Ostenwold was once a fast growing, vibrant community, but a few months ago all news and trade from the town suddenly stopped. It is not unheard of for bandits or raiders to take over small communities out in the wilderness, but even if they slaughter the entire populace, the news gets out eventually.

Tierra Windlass, the current Guild Master of the Adventurer’s Guild in the capital city of Dorran, has not heard from her old friends Deúlara and Horst in some time and is beginning to worry. She knows the two can take care of themselves, and Ostenwold has a well-trained militia, so it is more than a little strange that no one has heard from the town at all.

She is looking for a group of adventurers to head to Ostenwold and investigate. The best place to start would be the Sanguine Dawn Inn, the beating heart of the town and Deúlara’s home. If anyone is still there, that is where they are most likely to be.

Free            Hi-Res (Travellers+)           Variants (Adventurer+) 

Into the Wilds

Castles & Keeps 01

  • The Barbican - The castle is preparing for imminent attack and the Castellan is offering gold to any adventurers or mercenaries staying within the walls to help defend them. The attack is likely to focus on the barbican, as it protects the only entrance large enough for the attacking army to utilise.
  • Battlements - Secondary forces will be sent to try to overwhelm the battlements and split the defenders. It is imperative they are held for as long as possible to allow those who reside within the castle walls to evacuate to the keep. Absolute victory is highly unlikely, but at least the people can be saved.
  • Trebuchet - The attacking force has built a number of siege engines. If they are allowed to reach the walls, the defence will collapse. A single trebuchet has been quickly erected on the south east corner of the ramparts to destroy the enemy siege weaponry before it gets close enough to do any harm. It is likely the enemy will send a raiding party to take out the trebuchet once the battle  begins. It must be protected for as long as possible.
  • The Last Stand - It is only a matter of time before the attackers breach the walls and ransack the town within. The residents are fleeing to the keep at the northern end of the compound, built into the rocky hills that shelter the castle. There is a narrow escape tunnel within the keep that will lead them through the mountain to safety, but until then they are defenceless. What few guards remain will make a last stand in front of the keep. While they don't expect the adventurers to stay and fight, they will surely welcome any aid offered. Not a single attacker can be allowed to pass through the keeps heavy doors or all is lost.

Free           Hi-Res (Travellers+) 

Modular Castles 02

This is part 2 of my modular castle series, allowing you to quickly create your own Castles in multiple styles and layouts.

The full bundle includes:

  • 36 Seamless Wall Paths
  • 54 Stair Assets
  • 72 Floor tiles with Shadows
  • 130 Castle Interior Tiles
  • 258 Castle Wall Assets

Free Sample          Full Set (Travellers+) 

Adventurers Guildhall

Founded over a century ago by renowned adventurer Ferric Dorn, the Adventurers Guild provides contacts, job opportunities, support, advice and particular services to its elite members.

Those who wish to join must prove themselves to the current Guild Master under the tenets set out by Ferric. This is usually done by sending the applicants out on a quest chosen by the Guildmaster, along with an accompanying existing member of the guild to ascertain whether the party completed the task in the spirit of Dorn’s legacy.

Those who are successful in their application gain access to the Guilds training facilities and masters, free accommodation and meals whenever they are in town, the guild mission board, secure storage, extensive library, priest, in-house blacksmith, artificer and apothecary and financial services such as monetary exchange and loans, among many other perks and boons.

Free           Hi-Res (Travellers+) 

This scene was created for Tom Cartos by Eduardo Nonato

Castle Armoury Asset Pack (Builder+) - 77 new assets to fully equip your guards and repel the enemy!

Haunted Catacombs Asset Pack (Builder+) - 56 new assets to really creep out your players. If they are going to go sneaking into crypts underground, that's on them.

Dungeondraft Megapack V1.16 (Builder+) - Complete Tom Cartos Asset collection for Dungeondraft

Tomb of the Forgotten Aberrant by Alex LeFort (5th to 7th Level)

Tomb of the Forgotten Aberrant is a Fifth Edition adventure for three to six characters of 5th to 7th level, optimized for a party of four 6th level characters.

The entrance to an ancient tomb dedicated to the leader of an eldritch cult has recently been unearthed. Inside, the characters will find the spreading influence of the Far Realm: the plane of madness and aberrations. Will they be able to discover the tomb's secrets and live to tell the tale, or will they succumb themselves and join the dead interred within its walls?


Scenes (Forgemaster+)

These scenes have also been added to Moulinette Cloud 

BBEG Vecna (Free) - Free Vecna Token with 7 variants

These tokens were created for Tom Cartos by Splattered Ink 

Timeflux Contraption

Wondrous item, very rare

The origins of this item remain a mystery and the runes around it prove difficult to transcribe. It hums with a magical energy as the air around it shifts and distorts in unnatural ways and putting your ear close to it produces distorted hums and distant voices.

Free          Full Version (Travellers+) 

This magic item was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews 



Manuel Grewer

Always so much good stuff. Just spent 2h in Dungeondraft playing with your assets. Might have gone a little over board detail wise, but I am sure its fine.


Thanks Manuel! I'm glad you are having fun with it all. There is no such thing as too much detail, only too little time ;)