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This is the base set for this weeks maps. It includes high resolution day and night variants of every level. Higher tier patrons can get the complete set with additional variants HERE 

This map set is part of the Ruin & Rebuild series

Get the unruined versions of these maps HERE 


The Township of Ostenwold was once a fast growing, vibrant community, but a few months ago all news and trade from the town suddenly stopped. It is not unheard of for bandits or raiders to take over small communities out in the wilderness, but even if they slaughter the entire populace, the news gets out eventually.

Tierra Windlass, the current Guild Master of the Adventurer’s Guild in the capital city of Dorran, has not heard from her old friends Deúlara and Horst in some time and is beginning to worry. She knows the two can take care of themselves, and Ostenwold has a well-trained militia, so it is more than a little strange that no one has heard from the town at all.

She is looking for a group of adventurers to head to Ostenwold and investigate. The best place to start would be the Sanguine Dawn Inn, the beating heart of the town and Deúlara’s home. If anyone is still there, that is where they are most likely to be.

Grid Information

GRID SIZE – 22x17 (300DPI)
VTT SIZE – 3080x2380 (140DPI)


Adventure Music have created a custom track to go with the Ruin & Rebuild series. Download it using the link above or ZIP attached to this post.

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Find them on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/adventuremusicjr

Design Notes

Sanguine Dawn Ruins - Cellar

  • 01 – Storage Room – Usually stocked to the ceiling with barrels of mead and ale, and crates of food, the room is almost entirely bare. Some goods are clearly spilled and spoiled, but most of what was here has been carefully removed. Broken staircases lead up to the Tavern (08) and the stables (13)
  • 02 – Caverns – Parts of the cellar walls have recently collapsed, opening out into these cavern spaces. Someone has moved a stash of tools into one of them.
  • 03 – Secret Room – This room was previously hidden and contained a lock box that held the Taverns wealth, as well as that of some of the townsfolk who trusted Deúlara more than the local bank. A fallen ladder leads up to the backroom (10) via a hatch. The grate in the corner (S) leads to a hidden tunnel (04)
  • 04 – Escape Tunnel – The initial part of this tunnel seems old and well worn, but it has been expanded recently.
  • 05 – Hideout – A small hideout has been dug into the ground below the tavern. It looks much newer than the tunnel. There are some supplies and living quarters here, enough for a dozen or so people, but it is empty at the moment.
  • 06 – Bedrooms – The rooms seem like they haven’t been occupied in a while, and there are no personal belongings. On closer inspection however, one of the beds seems more recently used.

Sanguine Dawn Ruins - Tavern

  • 07 – Front Terrace
  • 08 – Tavern Floor – Usually filled with at least half the townsfolk in the evenings, thesilence now hangs in the air. The building has been completely ransacked, but it is not clear if this damage was caused by some extreme natural event or by raiders. At least there are no bodies. Stairs lead down to the Storage Room (08) and up to the Common Room (14)
  • 09 – Stage
  • 10 – Back Room – A private area for celebrations or meetings. The chimney hascollapsed and fallen on to the roof, caving it inward and opening the room to the sky. A previously hidden hatch in the western corner of the room is now exposed, and leads down to a secret room (03)
  • 11 – Kitchen
  • 12 – Bathroom
  • 13 – Stables – An open hatch door nearby leads down to the Storage room (01).

Sanguine Dawn Ruins - Bedrooms

  • 14 – Common Room – This was a common lounge area for use by guests sleeping in the rooms. Most of the floor has collapsed and the thatched roof above has partially fallen in.
  • 15 – Tavern Keepers Room – This was Deúlara’s room. Any hint to what happened or where she might be, would be found here.
  • 16 – Large Guest Rooms
  • 17 – Balcony
  • 18 – Small Guest Rooms
  • 19 - Dormitories



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