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This is the complete set of this months 'Into The Wilds' maps. The Into the Wilds maps are intended to be simpler & more generic than my regular sets and are perfect to drop in for random encounters when on the road or for when the party takes an unexpected turn and you want to be prepared.

Patrons voted for this months maps to be 'Castles' themed. The bundle includes:

The Barbican - The castle is preparing for imminent attack and the Castellan is offering gold to any adventurers or mercenaries staying within the walls to help defend them. The attack is likely to focus on the barbican, as it protects the only entrance large enough for the attacking army to utilise.

Battlements - Secondary forces will be sent to try to overwhelm the battlements and split the defenders. It is imperative they are held for as long as possible to allow those who reside within the castle walls to evacuate to the keep. Absolute victory is highly unlikely, but at least the people can be saved.

Trebuchet - The attacking force has built a number of siege engines. If they are allowed to reach the walls, the defence will collapse. A single trebuchet has been quickly erected on the south east corner of the ramparts to destroy the enemy siege weaponry before it gets close enough to do any harm. It is likely the enemy will send a raiding party to take out the trebuchet once the battle  begins. It must be protected for as long as possible.

The Last Stand - It is only a matter of time before the attackers breach the walls and ransack the town within. The residents are fleeing to the keep at the northern end of the compound, built into the rocky hills that shelter the castle. There is a narrow escape tunnel within the keep that will lead them through the mountain to safety, but until then they are defenceless. What few guards remain will make a last stand in front of the keep. While they don't expect the adventurers to stay and fight, they will surely welcome any aid offered. Not a single attacker can be allowed to pass through the keeps heavy doors or all is lost.

Adventurer Tier Patrons and above can vote for next months Into the Wilds theme HERE 

If you want to expand the castle, or build your own, check out my Modular Castles 01 and Modular Castles 02 packs.

GRID SIZE - 22x17 inch (300DPI)
VTT SIZE - 3080x2380 (140DPI)

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Hey, bit confused by the numbering here. Wasn't ItW #86 Modular Dungeon Connectors? https://www.patreon.com/posts/65631935