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Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In May we released:

  • 354 Maps, Tiles & Variants
  • 6 Illustrations
  • 163 Assets
  • 62 Tokens
  • 1 5E Adventure
  • 3 Complete Foundry VTT Modules
  • 1 Custom Creature

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).

Hideouts & Lairs

Thestwick Watch

Thestwick is Alderham Fen’s southernmost population centre. Beyond it lies 20 more miles of murky marshland. Somewhere in this stretch of fen lies the border with Talmouth, a far wealthier duchy. The exact location of this border is occasionally disputed, but as it sits somewhere in an unliveable marsh, the two duchies mostly ignore the unclear border.

However, the new Duke, Fandry I, was so concerned that the Talmouth knights would attempt to annex his worthless marsh that he erected the Thestwick Watch, an enormous stone garrison. Its Commander, Sir Ranulf, and his Squire Kenric have been posted to the Watch along with a garrison of soldiers to maintain the border and patrol the surrounding fens.

Free           Hi-Res (Travellers+)           Variants (Adventurer+) 


The Emerald Palace was named for the mythical dragon that protects the city. Located on top of a hill on the northern edge of the largest of Samarahd’s oases, it overlooks the rest of the city and stands as a landmark visible from even outside the city’s walls. It has been rebuilt, expanded, and refurbished numerous times throughout Samarahd’s history, but has always been the home of the senate and lead council.

Most of the grounds are publicly accessible, but carefully watched. The palace gardens are one of the wonders of the desert, and many come to visit and sit among the lush greenery. The upper floor also contains the Library of Records, Hall of History and Samarahd Museum which document the important people and events that have shaped the city over the last five centuries.

Free          Hi-Res (Travellers+)          Variants (Adventurer+) 

Into the Wilds

This is part 1 of my modular castle series, allowing you to quickly create your own Castles in multiple styles and layouts.

The full bundle includes:

  • 50 Seamless Floor Stone Tiles (2x2)
  • 72 Castle Rampart Tiles (9x9)
  • 108 Castle Tower Tiles (9x9)
  • 1 Sample Modular Castle Map (81x72)

Free Sample           Hi-Res (Travellers+) 

Ostenwold Market Square Exterior Scene

Every town has a nucleus, a center point around which the settlement grows. The Market Square is a place where the community gathers once a month to trade goods, gossip and learn of news from the outside world. Fisher-folk from Dockside, Horst the local smith, the Beard and Barrel dwarf sisters, even Renée and her Ravishing Raiments. All the townsfolk come together on the day of the full moon to celebrate their shared home.

This scene was created for Tom Cartos by Eduardo Nonato 

Free            Hi-Res (Travellers+) 

DungeonDraft Megapack v1.15 (Builder +) - All of my assets converted for DungeonDraft

Guardian of Thestwick Watch (3rd Level) by Alex LeFort

Lord Nathaniel Fandry, Duke of the Alderham Fen, seeks to rehabilitate the fen surrounding the village of Thestwick-on-Alderham for his industrious reclamation project. The ruins of the old castle fortress Thestwick Watch, however, in the heart of the fen, are haunted by the ghosts of times past.

The Duke has contracted the party to cleanse the fortress of its inhabitants so that work can proceed in the area. Can the party help lay the ghosts to rest, or must they be forced to destroy them once and for all? Will the party be cut down themselves, their corpses left to be preserved in the fen’s waters?


Scenes (Forgemaster+)

Adventures (Forgemaster+)

BBEG - Strand von Zarovich (Free) - Free Strahd Token with 5 variants

Creature Tokens CR6 Sample (Free) - 2 Sample Creature Tokens from the 5E CR6 Collection

Creature Tokens CR6 (Traveller+)  - 10 Creature Tokens from the 5E CR6 Collection

Creature Tokens CR6 Variants (Adventurer+) - 56 Creature Tokens from the 5E CR6 Collection

These tokens were created for Tom Cartos by Splattered Ink 

Salanek, Spirit of the Dunes - CR 21 (Traveller+) 

Long has it been said that the dunes of the desert possess a sort of sentience, a rhythmic pattern in their motions that speaks to the will of the desert itself. Those who travel the rolling waves of the sands know that in that sea of orange and yellow lies a beating heart.

The name Salanek dates back centuries, before the founding of the modern cities that dot the landscape. Long before man or beast sought to tame these harsh environs, the spirit of the dunes roamed shaping the sands to its will.

Salanek was designed for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews 



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