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This is the complete set of variants for this weeks maps. It includes Day, Night, Clean (unfurnished)  and Transparent Tiles (no background) versions of the maps.


The Meraj Theatre is the centre piece of the entertainment district that shares its name. The open-air sunken amphitheatre holds shows thrice daily, varying from dramatic plays to magical light shows to full orchestral suites. All of these experiences are funded by the city and are completely free to the public (so long as you can get a seat).

The theatre is run by Director Saeda, a chameleon of a woman who can transform herself through brilliant use of costuming, make up and acting. Few people have any ideas what she truly looks or even sounds like as it changes wildly from day to day. The only constants are her vibrant purple eyes that seem to pierce directly into the soul.

Shortly before an evening performance, one of the stars of the show has gone missing. This not entirely unheard of, and under normal circumstances the understudy would step in, but in this case, Saeda is particularly concerned. No one saw them leave, and only moments before they were preparing for the opening sequence. A small spray of blood in the changing room is now the only evidence they were there.

Saeda believes something bad has happened to them, and that they are still somewhere in the building. Time may be running out fast, so she looks into the audience for anyone that might be able to help.

Grid Information

GRID SIZE 44x34 (300DPI)
SIZE – 6160x4760 (140DPI)

Design Notes

Meraj Theatre 03 Plaza

  • 01 – Fountain Plaza – The plaza looks down onto the stage and gives a fantastic view of the light shows at sunset.
  • 02 – Kiosk – Sells food and drink to spectators and passers-by.
  • 03 – Storage Room
  • 04 – Stairwell – Stairs lead down to 07
  • 05 – Amphitheatre – The layered seating is sunken into the ground. The seats fill up quickly before shows and many more people watch from the street above.
  • 06 – Market

Meraj Theatre 02 Balcony

  • 07 – Stairwell – Stairs lead up to 04 and down to 12
  • 08 – Set Storage Room – Large pieces of set furniture are stored when not in use.
  • 09 – Workshop – All manner of props, set pieces and equipment are built on site.
  • 10 – Balcony Backstage – Raised scaffolding platform that connects the balcony and lower backstage areas. Stairs and ladders lead down to 18
  • 11 – Balcony Performance Area – The balcony is often used as an extension of the main stage for performances.

Meraj Theatre 01 Stage

  • 12 – Stairwell – Stairs lead up to 07 and down to 20
  • 13 – Performers Bathrooms
  • 14 – Lead Dressing Rooms – The shows stars are afforded their own dressing rooms.
  • 15 – Writers Room – Many new plays and pieces of music are written in house by Saeda and her team.
  • 16 – Prop Storage
  • 17 – Cast Dressing Room – Dressing and preparation room for the cast.
  • 18 – Backstage – The area is kept as clear as possible for quick access during performances. An elevator platform is used to transport large items to the basement area at 21. Stairs and ladders lead up to 10.
  • 19 – Main Stage Performance Area – A large open space used in a variety of ways for different performances and shows. Three circular platforms in the centre of the stage are used to dramatically lift or lower actors mid performance. They are accessed from 25 below.

Meraj Theatre 00 Basement

  • 20 – Stairwell – Stairs lead up to 12.
  • 21 – Lift Platform – Used to transport large items between the basement area and backstage 18
  • 22 – Manuscript Storage – Saeda and her team have written far more plays and musical arrangements than they have time to rehearse and perform. They are kept here locked away for future use or sale to other theatre companies.
  • 23 – Mannequin Storage – Mannequins are often used on stage as ‘extras’ in crowd scenes or battles where actors are not required.
  • 24 – Dressing Room – A secondary dressing room for quick changes between scenes.
  • 25 – Below Stage Area – Primarily used for accessing the stage lift platforms, but lots of assorted item end up being stored down here.
  • 26 – Backstage Hallway – Leads around to the northern doors set into the amphitheatre. These are often used in plays for more immersive performances.
  • 27 –Storage Room – Props and set furniture that are no longer needed but are too valuable to be discarded are kept here. Occasionally a piece will be re-used but many of these items have been forgotten.



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