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Hello Adventurers!

I recently released the newest adventure by Alex from Tavern Tales - Valley of Tombs 

This poll is to decide what the next adventure will be. The three choices are:

1 - Orc Stronghold - The Vargash Orc clan have lived in the mountains for generations. Although not the largest of tribes, they have out-survived many larger groups through their patience and cunning

2 - Sunstone Obelisk - The Sunstone Obelisk was once a central part of a Temple of the Sun that stood in the desert many centuries earlier. The mystics who dedicated themselves to the Temple were said to have some power of the passage of time. Although not able to alter its course they could see into the past, and the strongest among them could even bring objects from the past through time with them to the present.

3 - Into the Wilds Ruins 02 - There are many Ruins in the lands of Cartosia. Some have stood for thousands of years, relics of a past age. Others are far more recent, but all have a story to tell.

4 - Into the Wilds Desert City - The Boreus Desert that surrounds Samarahd can be both deadly and beautiful, and its inhabitants share similar qualities. The desert dwellers have ties and bonds that go back generations and  they are not lightly forgotten.

You can remind yourself of the maps and overview by clicking the links.

This Poll will end on Monday February 7th



I loved Valley of Tombs, running it was fun

Anthony Falk

Feeling that old school vibe - Orc Stronghold does sound fun!