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This is the complete set of variants for this weeks maps. It includes Day, Night, Snow, Clean, and Cave (No Walls) versions of the maps.


The Vargash Orc clan have lived in the mountains for generations. Although not the largest of tribes, they have out-survived many larger groups through their patience and cunning. Outsiders often view Orcs as mindless beasts who only crave blood and death, and while this may be the case with some of the more warlike tribes, the Vargash Orcs are as varied and complex as any group of individuals.

Outwardly, their stronghold makes use of the ignorant views of the other races, appearing grim and intimidating to scare off any potential attackers. Multiple levels of intelligent defences can easily hold back any who are not put off. Even those who make it into the maze-like caverns within the mountainside are presented with a curated view. The Vargash will occasionally take prisoners, only to allow them to ‘escape’ a few days later to spread tales of their ferocity.

Within the cavern complex, the Orcs live a mostly peaceful and happy life. Many of them are crafters and skilled artisans as well as capable warriors. The great hoard that they maintain comes primarily from trade and commerce rather than pillage and plunder. Their greatest treasure however is kept deep in the mountain, the next generation of Orc whelps being raised to continue their traditions.

Grid Information

GRID SIZE 44x43 (300DPI)
SIZE – 6160x4760 (140DPI)

Design Notes

Orc Stronghold 01 Caves

  • 01 – Gate  - A large fortified wooden gate is adorned with skulls and trophies.
  • 02 – Killbox – Should any enemy breach the gates, the next line of defence funnels them into a tight tunnel while archers on either side fire down on them
  • 03 – Prison – Although rarely used, the prison is well built and secure.
  • 04 – Animal Pen – The Orcs often fight alongside trained wolves and other creatures found in the mountains.
  • 05 – Fighting Pit – The pit is used to intimidate prisoners, but is primarily a training area to keep the warriors skills sharp.
  • 06 – Waste Pit – A stream flows under the mountain, washing all of the camps waste away down river. Fresh water is collected upstream a little way from the camp.
  • 07 – Warriors Camp – The tribes adults live in this large cavern, around a communal hearth. Most nights the area is filled with song and laughter.
  • 08 – Chieftains Camp – The current chief is Ghorza Vargash, a giant of an orc. As well as leading the clan, it is her responsibility to protect their communal wealth. She maintains a shrine to the Vargash ancestors in her cave.
  • 09 – Livestock Pen
  • 10 – Whelping Camp­ – The elder members of the tribe and those who choose not to fight live here and raise the young. Every aspect of clan life is communal and they live as one large family.
  • 11 – Shrine – Some of the clan are religiously inclined and worship here.

Orc Stronghold 02 Watchtowers

  • 12 – Overlook – A secondary defensive outpost overlooking the main gate.
  • 13 – Forge – All of the clans tools, armour and weapons are forged by the Orcs themselves.
  • 14 – Upper Camp – A permanent lookout is maintained on the hill top. The rocky mountains behind the camp mean they are rarely approached from this direction, but Ghorza ensures they never drop their guard.
  • 15 - Watchtower – The pair of Watchtowers give views for miles in every direction. It is almost impossible to sneak up on the camp.



Erlend Aakre

WHOAAAA! This is absolutely amazing! and my party is just about to head north into Orc land. Great timing! :D


I **love** this two-levels battlemap. :-) Thanks!


Absolutely perfect for what I have planned for my players! Great work and I'm glad I waited a few weeks to have them attack a stronghold.


Amazing. This will be a real challenge for combat-minded players. A straight frontal assault will be suicide here, they'll have to come up with a clever strategy to get inside. Alternatively, if they befriend the orcs, they would have to run all kinds of trials inside the caves to prove their worth. Maybe they could even defend the caves for their new allies.


This looks fantastic

DM Dave

Chris Perkins wrote a module back in 3.5 that involved taking on an orc stronghold. Lemme tell ya. Not many parties got past the first level. Buh-roo-tal.


Hi, Tom. Maybe i'm just being foolish, but can I ask what is the asset you are using for these cliffs/cave walls?


Hi Michael, the walls are hand drawn. I don't have assets for them I'm afraid.


Oh wow. That certainly explains why I couldn't find anything in the asset packs. Can I ask how you drew them, like program and such?


I draw all of my maps in photoshop. I have a video series that explains all of the basics - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHxgf6dHFgTwfrTe5qByXGsrFBH26OdcW


You're fantastic, thank you. Appreciate all the work you do here!