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Ninja Clan Hold is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 5, 8, 11, or 14. This document offers details for each level and makes adjustments accordingly. The characters must enter the Clan hold of a deadly gang of assassin ninjas.

Tom Cartos Patrons get the full hi-res map set for this adventure HERE
Free sample is attached to this post.

Plug-in Adventure

As a plug-in adventure, the adventure content serves as drop-in material for game masters who wish to add a dungeon to a preexisting campaign or need a side quest. If you need a hook for this adventure or already have a similar hook, the Omeria Faction Hooks table offers details for introducing this adventure to your players.


Get the Digital Asset Pack

If you want to get the map, tokens, and new monsters included in this adventure, you will need to download the asset pack. You can get the asset packs as a one-time purchase from DMDave, as part of a DMDave Electrum tier or higher Patreon subscription, or as a Tom Cartos Forgemaster Patron

Get the Foundry VTT Pack

Our asset pack doubles as a Foundry VTT pack, too. The link includes the manifest URL.

Purchase the asset/Foundry VTT pack, now.


Get the Roll20 Version

No time to set up the game yourself? Don't worry, we've got you covered. The Roll20 version of this adventure includes the map with dynamic lighting, preset tokens, and everything else you need to download and play this adventure in its entirety.

Purchase the Roll20 conversion:


Get Variant Tokens from PaperForge

If you would like to use different/variant tokens for your own games or the Roll20 version, you can do that as a patron of the token's designer, PaperForge.

Get more awesome tokens from PaperForge


Check out Fat Goblin Games, Nacho Lazaro, Matias Lazaro, and Forrest Imel!

Additional art from this adventure module was contributed by Fat Goblin Games Nacho Lazaro, Matias Lazaro, and Forrest Imel. Be sure to check out all of their Patreons for additional map variants, tokens, and more.




I don't quite understand the part where it says, "Our asset pack doubles as a Foundry VTT pack, too. The link includes the manifest URL." Where is the link to the manifest URL? Thanks!


Hello. First thanks for the great content at an amazing price. Second, I haven’t really mastered the printing of the maps yet. Any tips? Like for this map, is there away to drop the black backdrop as to not burn black Ink? Thanks for any advice and thank you again for all the amazing content.


Hi Shaun, If you want to print without the black, the easiest thing to do would be to just remove it in a program like Photoshop or Gimp. Just select the black area and fill it with white.


Thank you for the reply. Let’s see if it’s just that easy haha.