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This is Part 3 in the ongoing 'Characters of Ostenwold' series, and this time we have some more incredible artwork from Art of Taarie!

Find Part 1 HERE
Find Part 2 HERE

Characters of Ostenwold - Part 3

Horst Blackfoot - Male Human Barbarian - An ex-adventurer, who settled down in Ostenwold several years ago with Deulara and started the Eastwatch Garrison. After sustaining too many injuries to keep fighting he opened the local blacksmith at the Clenched Fist, but he still hankers for adventure.

Get the Clenched Fist Blacksmith map set HERE 

Carmine Balbreck - Female Dwarf Fighter - Youngest and smallest of the Beard and Barrel sisters, Carmine has a fierce temper and has been known to out-drink a giant. Do not insult her beard!

Get the Beard & Barrel map set HERE 

Jodak Freesong - Male Halfling Bard - The local miller, from a long line of millers, although he is more commonly found singing in the evenings at The Sanguine Dawn. He is well known for his gregarious behaviour and likes to out on an air of nobility. Recently however he has become more withdrawn however, and has a new scar over his right eye.

Get the Jodaks Mill map set HERE 

Check out the rest of the Ostenwold series HERE


Art of Taarie - 'Hi! I'm Marlene (Aka Taarie), a self-taught freelance illustrator with passion for all things fantasy. I am currently on a quest to bring my brush to the D&D world for players, GMs and content creators all around. If you can think it, I can see it!'

You can find me as @artoftaarie or check out my website for the most up to date artwork: https://www.artoftaarie.com/




I love these releases! Such great character art