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This is the base set for this weeks maps. It includes high resolution day and night variants of every level. Higher tier patrons can get the complete set with additional variants HERE 


The craftspeople and artisans of Samarahd are well known even outside of the city, and in particular for their use of Nephrite, a rare green stone found only in the desert that shines with an unearthly lustre and has some arcane qualities.

For years the Splitstone Quarry has been the primary provider of raw nephrite, but in recent months the once rich veins seem to have dried up. Although there is still some income from the sale of regular stone for construction, the quarry is currently working at a loss and its foreman, Heiman Taruro, is desperate to find a new source. To this end, he has been digging an extensive mine network below the quarry in hope of finding more nephrite.

Deep in one of the tunnels, shards of nephrite have been found among the excavated debris, bringing new hope to Heiman and the quarry. But ever since that discovery creatures have started emerging from the tunnels at night and attacking the workers. Oddly it seems that the monsters are not making these attacks in retaliation but are trying to escape the mines in a frenzied panic. Heiman has put out a notice asking for protection from these creature’s attacks, and if they can be dealt with, then a further investigation and clearance of the mine has a higher reward.

It transpires the miners have stumbled upon a new rich source of Nephrite a few hundred feet below the ground, but in doing so have awoken a Nephrite Prowler. Although not aggressive by nature, they are fiercely protective of their territory and live in caverns of the green stone. The prowler has chased all of the miners and a number of other cave dwelling creatures from the mines, collapsing a number of the shafts in the process, and is now stalking the tunnels to keep out any more intruders.


The Abyssal brews team have created a brand new magic item and creature with full text and illustrations to go with this map set! Go and check them out!

AbyssalBrews is a team of two creating elegant magic items and homebrew systems for your D&D table. We release a new item pack every week in a variety of formats that make it easy for you to integrate into your campaigns whether you play in person or online.

Our magic items cover a wide array of genres ranging from standard fantasy through steampunk, horror, and more. We pride ourselves on creating engaging mechanics that are simple enough to use at the table, but complex enough to spark interest and excitement from your players. Each item is uniquely illustrated by Fernando and written by Matthew.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/abyssalbrews
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Grid Information

GRID SIZE 34x22 (300DPI)
SIZE – 4760x3080 (140DPI)

Design Notes

Nephrite Mines 01 Mine Entrance

  • 01 – Splitstone Quarry The mine entrance is situated at the bottom of the Quarry.
  • 02 – Primary Storage – Most of the tools and supplies needed to construct the mines are stored here, along with the miners’ personal belongings and maps of the mine system.
  • 03 – Elevator – This mechanical elevator provides access to the entrance and two levels below. The mine has actually been extended another level below these, but the elevator shaft has not been expanded as yet.
  • 04 – Elevator Winch – Despite being incredibly heavy, the clever engineering of the system means the elevator can be operated by a single person. Levers within the elevator and on each level send a signal to the operator so they know when to raise or lower the platform.
  • 05 – Mine Shafts – The mine shafts are constructed at regular intervals to maximise the chances of finding a vein of nephrite ore.

Nephrite Mines 02 Collapsed Tunnels

  • 06 – Blocked Tunnel – The Prowler has collapse some of the tunnels as it burrows through the area. The rubble could be cleared, but it would take time and likely make a lot of noise
  • 07 – Side Storage – A small storage area behind a pile of rubble that is currently blocking access. Hatch leads down to 12
  • 08 – Trapdoor – This large trapdoor is usually open so heavy items and rubble can be winched up from below. It is currently stuck closed under a pile of heavy timbers. Leads down to 13
  • 09 – Partially Collapsed Tunnel – Although not fully caved in, the supports in this tunnel have broken and any slight disturbance may bring it all down.
  • 10 – Ladder – Leads down to 17
  • 11 – Large Cavern – The mine shaft broke into this naturally formed cavern. Although there are traces of Nephrite in the debris, this part of the vein has been depleted.

Nephrite Mines 03 Burrow

  • 12 – Ladder – Leads up to 07
  • 13 – Large Storage – This room contains an array of tools and supplies. It seems some of the miners barricaded themselves in here to escape the prowler but were trapped when large timbers fell on the hatch above sealing it shut. The prowler then burrowed in behind them and took them out. Ladder leads up to 08
  • 14 – Prowlers Burrow – The Prowler can quickly tunnel through the earth and rock. Given time it will seal the tunnel behind itself to remain hidden, but these tunnels are still open suggesting they are new, and the prowler is somewhere nearby.
  • 15 – Small Nephrite Cave – This is likely where the miners first came upon the prowler, causing it to attack. It has since buried deeper into the tunnels. Hole in the floor leads down to 21
  • 16 – Shaft – Leads down to 18
  • 17 – Ladder – Leads up to 10

Nephrite Mines 04 Nephrite Cavern

  • 18 – Shaft – Leads up to 16
  • 19 – Explosives Store – Small sticks of explosives are used in a controlled manner to speed up the mining process.
  • 20 - Prowlers Burrow – The Prowler can quickly tunnel through the earth and rock. Given time it will seal the tunnel behind itself to remain hidden, but these tunnels are still open suggesting they are new, and the prowler is somewhere nearby.
  • 21 – Nephrite Chunk – Leads up to 15
  • 22 Nephrite Cavern – This enormous cavern contains enough of the precious green stone to keep the quarry profitable for the rest of Heiman’s life, however it is currently home to an extremely dangerous creature that has been backed into a corner.
  • 23 – Prowlers Nest – An offshoot of the cavern where the prowler sleeps. A small pile of nephrite that has been in close proximity to the prowler seems to have been affected by its presence. It shows similar properties to the shards that have been imbued with arcane energy by Temer Atarac in the Quarry’s laboratory, but more organic in nature.



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