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Hi Everyone!

I hope you are all doing well. I'm writing this post to let you know that there will be a slightly different schedule next month to the usual, and that there will also be some other small changes for the foreseeable future.

My partner has recently been diagnosed with severe depression. As part of her ongoing health care plan, and to ensure I don't get burnt out myself, I am going to be reducing my work hours for a little while so I can help take some more of her mental and physical load while she gets better. She is also receiving ongoing care from a specialist team.

This means that next month here will be only three major (paid) releases.
In a normal month I put out four major releases, 3 maps sets from me and one contributor artist set (tokens, illustrations etc). Instead, next month there will be one major map set from me and two contributor sets. This also means you will only be charged 3x your pledge amount rather than 4x next month.

All of the higher tier bonus content you are used to, like the Adventures modules, Asset packs, Foundry VTT packs and Dungeondraft conversions, will be released as usual, as most of them are put together by others on my behalf.

I will also be stopping my live streams for the time being, and video content will probably also be put on hold. I plan to come back to these as soon as I can though.

As for this month, I am a bit behind my usual release schedule, but all of the planned content for January should still be done by the end of the month. Expect a bit of a blitz of releases over the last few days!

My hope is that we can get back into a more normal release schedule by March, but we will take it day by day and see how things go. Thank you all for your patience. In the mean time my entire back catalogue will continue to remain open and you will only be charged for as much content as I release.

I hope you are all remembering to take care of your own mental and physical health, and make sure to ask for help when you need it. If you are based in the UK, you can call 116 123 to talk to the Samaritans or contact your GP for advice and guidance.




Take care!


Praying for your partner's health. Take care. Thanks for all you do and all you've done.


Take care and take your time. Family comes first. Make sure everyone is safe and sound, we'll wait and keep you in our thoughts.


Having your partner in depression can be taxing for you too. Both of you take care and get well. Thanks for your amazing work

Peter Gorbert

Take care of yourself. Your mental health is important

Erlend Aakre

Take care, all the best to you and your family


Family is always the priority, take care


Take care of her (and yourself). You are one of the most productive and transparent creaters on Patreon and three releases a month are more then enough.

Jimmy Lynch

Mental health problems are no joke. I hope both you and her manage to get through this and come out the other side happy and healthy


Sorry to hear that, Tom. Love to you both ❤️

Cole Tuininga

Good for you for prioritizing your life this way. Best wishes to you and your partner, I hope you find a path towards wellness. <3


Take care of you both! I worked in a mental health Hospital, sunlight was one of the most important Things of my patients. Vacations during corona are difficult but There are some afordable daylight light on the market.

Jon Goranson

Yes, take care of your partner! My wife also struggles with depression and I know how tough that can be. I hope the best for you both! (and everyone else)


I've got experience with that so I have an idea of what you're both going through. Wishing you both all the best and thanks for the update <3


I'm sorry to hear that. Your decision is right, nothing is more important than loved ones. All the best to you and your partner.


Tom- You are a fantastic artist and a good man. I appreciate you making this decision for your partner's health and your own. Take all the time you need.

Sean Patrick Fannon

Thank you for making mental health a priority, and something folks should feel open about discussing. My best hopes for your partner's well-being. Self-care and self-advocacy are powerful, important tools for a happier life.


So sorry to hear that. Sounds like you’ve got your priorities in order. Looking forward to the posts we’re getting and hoping for recovery for you and yours going forward!


Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Tom...but absolutely do what you need to do. Health and well-being of ourselves and our loved ones is always priority #1, and you've obviously got things where they need to be, with regard to priorities. We're here, man, whenever you can return to whatever is "normal." Praying for you and your partner, brother. Much love, and take care!


take all the time you need - mental health is far more important than creating more maps.


Tom, best to your partner and I'm glad you are choosing to step back a bit to take care of both of you. Thanks for all your work here. You'll have my continued support.

Sophie Campbell

Do what you gotta do! Priorities!

Alex Miller

Love to you and your partner, Tom!


Hey man, do everything you need to do and more, I'm sure everyone will support you.


Focus on your partner and the mental health before making maps for us. I'm sure we all will be here waiting for when you have the chance to come back fully. :)


All the best to you both. Good choice


Taking care of yourself and your partner is the most important thing you can do! Both of you be well. <3

Brian Guerrero

Uff. That's a bummer but take care of yourself and take care of your partner, that's what matters. Seriously, I'm sure the extra income is helpful but take a month or two completely off if you need to. We'll be here when you get back.


Take care of your loved ones, that is job #1 my friend. Thanks for the update... tough times come for everyone but it's good that you caught things in enough time to help her take action.


Take care of yourselves. You don’t have any obligations to us about having to deliver a certain number of maps. If you create and deliver, I’m happy. If you don’t, I’ll assume you are taking good care of yourself and your partner and I’m happy too. Don’t sweat it.

Anthony Falk

Do what you need to, you and your partner's well being need to be priority one! We will definitely be here when you can return full speed ahead :D


Tom, I'm really sorry to hear about your partner's struggles and hope you can get the care needed. I'm sure your extra support will be invaluable.


Family comes first, Tom. Take care of you and yours.

Jeffrey Good

Tom, Thanks for sharing and appreciate your candor. Mental health matters, and difficult as it can be to support a loved one this this kind of challenge, do know that we all support you and send you both good wishes. Take whatever time you both need - we'll be here when you're able to return.


Take care of family first mate

Manuel Grewer

Yeah, take care of your partner and yourself. And don't stess yourself about reduced releases. Take your time!


Looking after your partner and yourself should come first, even if that means limited or no output. You have our support no matter what.