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Hey everyone, Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great break and time over the holidays.

Here is a quick review of December's releases. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).

In December we released -

  • 218 Maps, Tiles & Variants
  • 317 Assets
  • 47 Tokens
  • 5 5E Adventures
  • 5 Complete Foundry VTT Modules

Christmas Special

  • Christmas Cabins - Each year a very lucky group of children are invited to party with Santa and the Elves once the gift deliveries are finished on Christmas morning. The selected guests are transported to this clearing on Christmas Eve and await Santa’s arrival the following morning so the festivities can begin. However this year, the guests and elves wake up to find Santa hasn’t arrived. After a little look around, they realise his sleigh is on the roof, but the man himself is nowhere to be found. Is this a practical joke from the jolly fellow, or is something more sinister afoot?

Free          Hi-Res (Travellers +)          Variants (Adventurers +) 


  • The Dawn Lands - The Dawn Lands is a region map that combines most of the locations we have visited so far, as well as plenty more to explore over the next few years. Created by Misty Beee 

Free          Hi-Res (Travellers +)          Variants (Adventurers +) 

Monster Lairs

  • White Dragons Lair - The Great White Dragon Zhixal has resided in this icy cavern for many decades. What was once a lush green mountainside has fallen under permanent winter. In his youth Zhixal was a proud Dragon, but over time has become more and more paranoid and vicious. He is prone to outbursts of rage at the slightest annoyance that cover the cavern and surrounding area in blinding sleet and blizzards for days and have even been known to trigger avalanches.

Free          Hi-Res (Travellers +)          Variants (Adventurers +) 

Into The Wilds

Free          Hi-Res (Travellers +) 

  • Shipwreck Asset Pack (Builders +) - A collection of 43 broken ship parts assets and buried prefabs to set up a shipwreck on any battlemap for your players to explore.
  • Whale Bones Asset Pack (Builders +) - A collection of 18 whale skeletons and bones assets to create a graveyard for these majestic creatures.
  • Seaweed & Coral Asset Pack (Builders +) - A collection of 248 underwater assets to add some colour to your battlemaps.

This content will be added to Moulinette Cloud in the next few days

  • Gremlins Take Ostenwold by DMDave (Free) -
    Gremlins Take Ostenwold is a Fifth Edition for three to five characters of 3rd level. The adventure begins when the characters discover a small town is under attack by a horde of small green creatures called gremlins. They must find the source of the gremlins and put a stop to them before they multiply and cause more chaos.`

  • Holiday Adventure Bundle by DMDave (Adventurer +) -
    This is a re-release of 3 Classic Christmas-themed adventures from DMDave and myself, bundled together  into a single release!
             - Drow Hard (5th to 6th-Level Solo Adventure)
             - Kobold Alone (1st to 4th-Level Adventure)
             - How the Lich Stole Christmas! (18th to 20th-Level Adventure)

  • Wrench in the Weave by Alex from Tavern Tales (Adventurer +) -
    Wrench in the Weave is a Fifth-Edition adventure for a party of three to six characters of 4th to 6th level, optimized for a party of four 5th-level characters.
    Students at the Zoporths campus of the Pegany Academy of Spells have accidentally torn a rift in the weave of magic, letting a wild magic surge course throughout their campus building. If the rift isn't closed soon and its resulting impacts addressed, the campus building could be destroyed, and if any of the professors find out, any students involved will surely be expelled. Will the adventurers agree to help the panicked students, and will they agree to keep a secret from the professors should they successfully close the rift?


  • Sunstone Obelisk (Forgemaster +) - After the fabled ‘Battle of the Dragon’ where a sandstorm eradicated an invading army, this carved pillar of jet-black stone was found outside the city walls, uncovered by the raging winds. It was bought inside and stands now as a shrine to the desert. When the Sun strikes the obelisk directly, its dark exterior seems to glisten with a vivid rainbow of colours. The Order of the Magi believe it to be an ancient arcane device but have had no luck in unlocking its mysteries.
  • Red Dragons Lair (Forgemaster +) - The mighty Red Dragon Aevnath slumbers deep inside the caldera of Mount Torund, far to the North of the Boreus Desert. In her younger years she ravaged what little civilisation existed in this distant region, taking their wealth for herself, and hoarding it in her lair. It has been many decades, possibly centuries, since anyone dared to seek vengeance or claim her treasure for themselves, so she rests waiting in hope that one day someone will come.
  • Camel Racing Arena (Forgemaster +) - Camel racing in Samarahd is not just a sport, but a cultural touchstone. The most successful riders and their camels are practically celebrities in the city and many retired racers have gone on to become prominent members of society when their careers have ended.
  • Midhsommar Suburbs (Forgemaster +) - A little way from the hectic life of downtown sits the suburb of Midhsommar, a seemingly peaceful neighbourhood filled with seemingly peaceful folk, all going about their seemingly normal day-to-day routines. The only thing that might seem a little out of the ordinary to those with a mind to inquire is the high death rate among the seemingly healthy residents.

This content will be added to Moulinette Cloud in the next few days

5e Adventure Modules

  • Gremlins Take Ostenwold by DMDave (Forgemaster +) -
    Gremlins Take Ostenwold is a Fifth Edition for three to five characters of 3rd level. The adventure begins when the characters discover a small town is under attack by a horde of small green creatures called gremlins. They must find the source of the gremlins and put a stop to them before they multiply and cause more chaos.

This content will be added to Moulinette Cloud in the next few days

Thanks so much for your support this month! Get ready for lots more new content coming soon.



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