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Hello Adventurers!

I have just released the newest adventure by Alex from Tavern Tales - Wrench in the Weave 

This poll is to decide what the next adventure will be. The three choices are:

1 - White Dragons Lair - The Great White Dragon Zhixal has resided in this icy cavern for many decades. What was once a lush green mountainside has fallen under permanent winter. In his youth Zhixal was a proud Dragon, but over time has become more and more paranoid and vicious. He is prone to outbursts of rage at the slightest annoyance that cover the cavern and surrounding area in blinding sleet and blizzards for days and have even been known to trigger avalanches.

2 - Sunstone Obelisk - The Sunstone Obelisk was once a central part of a Temple of the Sun that stood in the desert many centuries earlier. The mystics who dedicated themselves to the Temple were said to have some power of the passage of time. Although not able to alter its course they could see into the past, and the strongest among them could even bring objects from the past through time with them to the present.

3 - Valley of Tombs - Those who are deemed worthy after their death are immured in the Valley of Tombs, at least that is usually what happens. Recently a burial was due to take place, but the mysterious Keepers did not arrive to collect her remains at the allotted time. It has been years since anyone other than the Keepers entered the Valley, and no one is entirely sure where the Keepers reside in the valley, how many of them there are, or where they came from.

You can remind yourself of the maps and overview by clicking the links.

This Poll will end on Tuesday January 4th


Tavern Tales

no love for white dragon's lair?!

Donald Hoffman

I am using the Valley of Tombs maps anyway. It would just help if there was a module I can steal from.