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Hey everyone!  I have a final special treat for you all before I take a break over Christmas. Cartosia - The Dawn Lands is a region map that combines most of the locations we have visited so far, as well as plenty more to explore over the next few years.

There are two variants for higher tier patrons, the original that includes all of my named locations and other labels, and an unlabelled version for you to create your own setting here. I have also included the main City Markers as PNGs so you can add places like Ostenwold, Dorran and Samarahd to your own world maps if you prefer.

The name for the map was suggested and voted on by you Patrons. The winning name was 'Cartosia' , but as some of you have pointed out that sounds more like a world name than a region, so I also took the second highest voted name 'The Dawn Lands' and made that the name for this particular region of Cartosia. Perhaps we will visit other regions and continents in the world of Cartosia in the future (Iido and Sinbarr when?).

I commissioned this epic region map from Misty Beee earlier this year and have been working on it with her for months. I am incredibly happy with the result and I hope you all are too.

You can also buy physical prints of this map on Misty Beee's online stores below:

The map was initially based on a Hexographer map I created a few years ago that came out of a bloated character back story for my very first PC (Corella 'Coré' Tauranis, daughter of Deulara and Horst, also the origin of Ostenwold), long before I had even thought about making battlemaps or starting this Patreon.

My original Hex Map

Scale Information

PRINT SIZE 19x11 (300DPI)
SIZE – 5700x3300 (300DPI)

Scale Bar - The dashed scale bar around the border indicates approximately 24 miles, or one day of on-road travel by foot.

Brief History of Cartosia and The Dawn Lands

The Metamorphosis

The world was formed an unknown length of time ago. The first creatures to exist were a titanic immortal race that had the power to slowly shape the world and create new life. They worked together to build a utopia, filling the planet with beautiful creatures, although none of them were given true sentience, as these god-like beings feared competition in their ownership and unchallenged rule of the world.

Age of the Titans

An apocalyptic, earth shattering event tore holes in the fabric of the universe allowing beasts and demons to cross over from the other planes. It is unknown what this event was, but it is believed to have been a natural occurrence, possibly a global eruption caused by a meteor. At this time, almost all mortal life was erased and the Titans, fearing the loss of their power that stemmed from the planet, came together to force back the tide of evil and regain control of the world. The Titans created many of the sentient known races during this time to help them in this battle.

The Great Flood

Much of the world had been cleansed, but the most distant continent (where we find ourselves) was isolated from the rest of the world and was still inhabited by the demonic creatures that had crossed over through the great fracture in the planes. Some believe the event originated here, and certainly the planar openings were the largest and most frequent. A rolling purple fog seeped through the rifts and covered the land, aiding and strengthening the evil forces. Until this point only the Titans could grant magic through their divine power, but this Myst brought a new, wild, chaotic source of magic to the world, one that the monsters fed upon. Although this Myst was not itself inherently evil, it was incompatible with the divine magic of the Titans and they saw great threat in this. Some of the sentient races were drawn by this magic and chose to serve the demonic races instead.

After centuries of warfare and battle, the Titans accepted that they could not defeat the monsters of the far continent with their armies or magic, and so instead devised a plan to melt the vast polar ice caps, flooding the low lying continent and drowning out the beasts or forcing them into hiding. In order to do this though, they were forced to draw upon the magic of the Mysts as well as their own power. In combining the two, they were able to succeed, but their very essence was changed by the Myst. It drew everything from them and many were destroyed in the process. Those that were strong enough to survive were torn from their corporeal forms, and trapped in a limbo plane, where they could no longer directly influence the world. Instead they were forced to work through their followers, who worshipped them as Gods.

Age of the Gods

With the monsters all killed, banished back to their own planes, or driven to the crushing depths of the oceans, the gods remaining followers were able to close the rifts, at least those they could find. The Myst diminished and was not seen again, although its long lasting effect on the land led to the emergence of new sentient races. The Elarians, the most powerful magic users of the Gods, chose to stay to guard the land and ensure the rifts never reopened. Their city, Elaria, was once of the few settlements to escape the great flood, standing at the peak of a great mountain range.

With the gods disconnected from the material plane, and the Myst seemingly cut off, the strength of magic in the world slowly diminished, generation by generation. Although never disappearing entirely, the magical feats of legend were lost and most of the sentient races forgot that there had ever been such power in the world.

The other peoples of the world dispersed, finding their new homes. With the God Titans removed and the monsters destroyed, this world now belonged to them.

Age of Exploration

As the divine magic of the gods withered over many thousands of years, the polar caps once again began to cool and freeze and the seas began to drop.  The far continent re-emerged from the ocean and bit-by-bit its land were re-inhabited. Races & species that had fought on opposite sides in the Wars of the Titans now co-habited and intermingled peacefully, their violent history long forgotten.

The Elarians were the only remaining peoples that remembered the Age of the Titans and the Great Flood, and they feared that there may still be open rifts and dormant aberrations in the depths and so sought a great source of power to stop the coming ice age.

They delved deep into the earth below their city, discovering some remnant of the Myst still remained and tried to channel it as the Titans had before they became the Gods, but they could not control it and were destroyed.

The Dorric Empire

The entire land mass that makes up the Dorric Empire was completely submerged until around 300 years ago, and the Dorran family led a large-scale expedition to settle this fertile land on a continent that had been largely unexplored by the dominion of men prior to this time.

Although a relatively young city, Dorran has grown quickly due to strong leadership from the Dorran family who founded it just two centuries prior, and its well-established ship, rail and road links to natural resource deposits and allied settlements.

As the Empire has grown, more of the peoples from other continents came to the region and also settled The Freeholds and Halen. Tentative alliances were formed between the three, and  with the older cities further into the continents interior. This once battle torn land is thriving in an era of relative peace.

Unbeknownst to the races of the world, some of the ancient rifts have been uncovered in the far continent and Myst is seeping back in. The chaotic entities are starting to find their way back in and the power of the chaotic magic of the Myst is growing once again.




This is so cool, can't wait to put it to use!


Amazing. love the detail on this.


Map Scale - checking that I'm following you. Each _segment_ of the dashed scale bar is 24 miles, right? So the map images are 80 pixels per 24 miles.

Stuart Henry

Any chance we can get the other map icons as well?


Hey John, I have added download links for the Hex map and the Hexographer file itself.