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This is the free set of this months 'Into The Wilds' maps. The Into the Wilds maps are intended to be simpler & more generic than my regular sets and are perfect to drop in for random encounters when on the road or for when the party takes an unexpected turn and you want to be prepared. They are also completely free! Patrons get access to high resolution versions and extra variants.

Patrons can access the complete bundle HERE

There will be no new Into the Wilds maps in December so I can have some time off over Christmas and New Year, although I will be releasing something else in its place. We will be back with a new ItW theme in January.

Patrons voted for this months maps to be 'High Seas' themed. The bundle includes:

Ship Wreck - The wreckage has clearly been here for some time. The timbers have rotted and  those poor souls who went down with the ship are now bone and sinew. However there still seems to be some untouched treasure right in the open. Perhaps no one has discovered the wreck until now, or maybe it has been placed there as bait.

Tidal Cavern - After a long swim through the dark underwater tunnel, your lungs almost bursting, you finally see a faint glow ahead. The tunnel opens up into a concealed cavern, but more importantly an air pocket. You fill your lungs and start to look around, perhaps this was her final resting place? Almost immediately you notice the water level is rising, the tide is coming in and the cavern is filling up!

Deep Sea Trench - No matter how deep you go, it seems there is always more water below. Even at these treacherous depths, the ocean floor has no apparent bottom. Swimming above these open underwater ravines leave you with a sense of unworldly dread, and rightly so.

Whalebone Graveyard - It is not known whether the Great Whales instinctively travel here to die when their time has come, or if something nearby has been killing them when they are unfortunate enough to come close. Either way, it is not recommended to wait around for too long.

Use the link at the bottom of this post to download all of the free versions of these maps.

GRID SIZE - 22x17 inch (72DPI)
PIXEL SIZE - 1584x1224



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