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Hello Adventurers!

This months adventure from Alex over at Tavern Tales is 'Cabin in the Woods'. You can vote for next months adventure HERE 

Adventure Overview

Cabin in the Woods is a Fifth Edition horror-comedy one-shot adventure for three to six characters of 2nd to 4th level, optimized for a party of four 3rd level characters.

 The strange cabin in the Twilridden Wood has been rumored to be haunted for decades. Hunters who've used it as a resting place during their expeditions have repeatedly reported strange sightings in its vicinity, and rumors persist that people have died trying to uncover the cabin's history. 

Unbeknownst to all, the cabin is actually the careful construction of a powerful archmage working in the service of a dark, ancient god who demands offerings of fear. Can the adventurers brave the horrors of the cabin and find the secret laboratory hidden below its surface? Will they treat with the archmage's assistant who resides inside, or instead punish him for the horrors he has helped inflict upon innocents? This adventure is set near the villages of Orsovo county in the Siothas campaign setting, but can be adapted to any campaign setting featuring dense, dark woods and evil ancient gods.


Tavern Tales is the team of Ben and Alex, two dungeon masters and world-building enthusiasts who love tabletop gaming. They work to create high-quality battlemaps, ready-to-play encounters and dungeon one-shots for your tabletop role playing games. If you want more dungeons in this style, they also create their own adventures monthly.

You can support them on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/taverntalesmaps

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