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This is the base set for this weeks maps. It includes high resolution day and night variants of every level. Higher tier patrons can get the complete set with additional variants HERE 


The mighty Red Dragon Aevnath slumbers deep inside the caldera of Mount Torund, far to the North of the Boreus Desert. In her younger years she ravaged what little civilisation existed in this distant region, taking their wealth for herself, and hoarding it in her lair. It has been many decades, possibly centuries, since anyone dared to seek vengeance or claim her treasure for themselves, so she rests waiting in hope that one day someone will come.

Her once grand temple has slowly succumbed to the heat and pressure of the volcano, but parts of it remain, and the descendants of her loyal minions still keep and guard it for her. Though they rarely get a glimpse of her glistening red scales, they still worship her as a god and offer regular sacrifices to sate her hunger.

Grid Information

GRID SIZE 44x34 (300DPI)
SIZE – 6160x4760 (140DPI)

Design Notes

Red Dragons Lair – Temple

  • 01 – Ledge – The only way into the volcano is via the crater above. The climb down is not difficult, but the intense heat and lava pool below make it incredibly dangerous. Anyone who is brave enough to make the climb down will find themselves here before moving further into the interior.
  • 02 – Narrow Path – The ledge continues around the edge of part of lower crater
  • 03 – Gallery – Carved golden murals line the walls, each showing different aspects of Aevnath’s storied past. The Great Hall can be seen a long way below.
  • 04 – Minions Caves – Although there is little here to suggest it, these caves are the living spaces of Aevnath’s minions. Their lives are so devoted to the dragon that they only come here to lay down on the warm rock and sleep.
  • 05 – Lava River – Tunnels and canals of molten lava slowly seep through every inch of this mountain.
  • 06 – Aevnath’s Temple – Statues and Idols of Aevnath herself are stored here. Some were stolen from the surrounding settlements when they still stood, while others were created by her devotees. Several of her favoured items of treasure from the hoard are also kept here.

Red Dragons Lair – Caldera

  • 07 – Sacrifice Platform – Live prey is left here as sacrifice for Aevnath. The occasional minion will wait on the platform in hope of seeing the great Dragon when she comes to feed but is more than likely engulfed in hell fire before catching any hint of her.
  • 08 – Cages – Prey is kept here before being led out for a noble death.
  • 09 Cavern – This area once held more chambers of the temple, but the underlying heat has caused them to crumble.
  • 10 Broken Bridge – This rock bridge used to connect the Temple to the Great Hall, but is has since broken.
  • 11 Caldera – Aevnath sleeps below the bubbling lava, waiting for a worthy challenger.
  • 12 The Great Hall – Huge carved stone pillars plated in gold line this grand hallway.
  • 13 – Aevnath’s Hoard – Enough gold and treasure lies here to run a city, possibly an entire nation. That is if you could find a way to move it. It seems some magic protects the treasure from the volcanoes heat, but as soon as it is removed from the pile it starts to melt in the hand.

Watch me make this map!

You can watch the 'Speed Draw' time lapse of how I made these maps over on my YouTube channel, where I release weekly videos on how I make my Battlemaps. This weeks Speed Draw video can be found HERE




So I am mega bias but I'd love to see something like this for every chromatic dragon. This one is awesome.


Hi Billy, that is my plan! Depending on how it goes, I would like to do all of the dragon types, inlcuding the new ones in Fizban's.


I was in need of a red dragon lair. Thanks for providing. I am using Foundry VTT and the Levels module to make this one work. It's going to look fantastic and perfect for my RED GREATWYRM!