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This is the base set for this weeks maps. It includes high resolution day and night variants of every level. Higher tier patrons can get the complete set with additional variants HERE 


Dr Riktor Krankenstein is a brilliant inventor who yearns to understand the mysteries of creation. After a number of somewhat successful experiments imbuing a semblance of animation and intelligence onto toy dolls, he felt ready to turn his talents on to something more substantial.

Unfortunately, these attempts were not as fruitful. Although the doctor was able to create some level of basic intelligence in his stitched-together creations, as many died as lived and those that survived were shambling monstrosities, capable only of understanding the constant pain and suffering they were cursed with.

In order to truly create something that could mimic life, perhaps he would need to start with life. Instead of artificially creating intelligence, he could instead transfer it from one creature to another, instilling true thoughts and feelings into a much stronger host. While this new line of work seems to have promise, the neighbours are starting to notice that first their pets, and now some of their family members were disappearing. Apparently, they have even hired a group of private investigators to look into it. Krankenstein is now in a race to complete his masterpiece before they find him.

Grid Information

GRID SIZE 11x17 (300DPI)
SIZE – 1540x2380 (140DPI)

Design Notes

Dr Krankenstein’s House 00 Dungeon

  • 01 – Pit - After the first failed experiment tried to kill him, Krankenstein excavated a pit under his lab so that he could easily trap and study his specimens. While digging he discovered a natural cavern in the ground below and took advantage of it.
  • 02 – Cell - Some of the more volatile specimens had to be corralled into this secondary area in order stop them from killing the others.

Dr Krankenstein’s House 01 Lab

  • 03 – Research Lab – Most know Krankenstein as an experimental physician, which is where his current obsession began. Along with his former assistant, he carried out minor experiments and tests in this basement lab. Some of his neighbours are aware of it as they have been treated by the doctor, but none know of the secret door leading into the rest of the facility. Stairs lead up to 13. Secret door leads to 04
  • 04 – Specimen Room – Parts of different creatures are on display, with room for more.
  • 05 – Animation Laboratory – This is where Krankenstein now spends most of his time, obsessively trying to create life. The failed experiments that live are trapped in the pit below for further study, while those who are lost along the way (including the previously mentioned former assistant) are cremated in the incinerator. A ladder in the SE corner leads to a hidden exit under the terrace above.

Dr Krankenstein’s House 02 Parlour

  • 06 – Terrace – Hidden compartment below leads down to 05
  • 07 – Lobby – Stairs lead up to 14
  • 08 – Parlour – The house is well kept. In the past Krankenstein had been something of a socialite and held regular parties for many of the neighbours. Since his work took over, these have been forgotten.
  • 09 – Closet
  • 10 – Toilet
  • 11 – Dining Room
  • 12 – Kitchen – Unlike the other rooms, this clearly still in regular use.
  • 13 – Garden – Some simple herbs and vegetables are growing. Hatch leads down to 03

Dr Krankenstein’s House 03 Bedrooms

  • 14 – Landing – An oversized dolls house seems out of place, Krankenstein has no children. Stairs lead down to 07
  • 15 – Closets – A surprisingly life like doll is sitting inside one. Its head seems to turn towards you in your peripheral vision.
  • 16 – Bathroom
  • 17 – Children’s Room – Perhaps Krankenstein has some nieces or nephews that like to play with dolls. Another one with oddly glowing red eyes sits on top of the cabinet. Hidden door behind the doll leads to 18
  • 18 – Hidden Room – A single chest is tucked into the small space
  • 19 – Guest Room – Once occupied by Krankenstein’s assistant. No one has seen them in some time, but their belongings seem to still be here.
  • 20 – Master Bedroom – The bed looks like it hasn’t been slept in in some time. Only the stiff drink on the table hints that the room has been used lately.
  • 21 – Study – Notes sprawled on the desk almost look like anatomical blueprints and many of the books cover the subject of the essence of life.



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