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This is the complete set of variants for this weeks maps. It includes Day, Night, Sandstorm, Clean and Transparent Background variants.


The Caravanserai primarily serves as a smaller marketplace for those who are hoping for a bargain or the chance to pick up some hard-to-find imported goods, but it is also the main trade hub for goods coming into the city from elsewhere. Although it is ostensibly run by the Tajir Guild, the day-to-day management is handled by Zenit Thar, a former trader who made his wealth through business loans and it is believed by many that he holds some sway over the Tajir, perhaps due to debts owed or secrets held.

All goods bought into the city to be sold must first be offered here to be purchased by the local sellers. Anything not sold after two days can be taken to the Zayir’s corner in the much larger Grand Souq. Traders will rent stall space and display a sample of their produce, some of which will be picked up citizens looking to get a good deal on rare items, but most traders are hoping to offload their entire stock to a local seller quickly, so as not to have to spend too long in the city before making the arduous trek back home.

The fortified structure also contains Thar’s Rest, a hotel and entertainment venue for wealthier visiting traders. Due to the ever-present flow of outsiders, this is one of the best spots in the city to get news of the outside world before it filters out into the rest of the city, often with vital details being changed or skewed as the information is passed by word of mouth. This also means that most of the city’s different factions have agents stationed here, in order to get a head start on their rivals if news from the far regions is likely to benefit them. However, none have a greater grasp on the dealings of the outside world than Thar himself.


McRoMusic has created an epic original track to accompany the Samarahd series! Download it from the links above, or using the ZIP files attached to this post.

McRoMusic has been playing and composing music for nearly 20 years and is an avid tabletop RPG fan. Now he's married the two, and is creating high-quality music for players and GMs to enjoy at their table!  
McRoMusic can be found on Spotify (and anywhere else that you stream your music), and also has a Bandcamp store and Patreon if you would like to support him directly.

https://www.patreon.com/McRoMusic https://open.spotify.com/artist/050iRh4rSfplvsOk1bfBUR

Grid Information

GRID SIZE 44x34 (300DPI)
SIZE – 6160x4760 (140DPI)

Design Notes

Caravanserai 01 Courtyard

  • 01 – Entry Gates – Triple storey open arches, wide enough for two fully loaded wagons to pass with room to spare.
  • 02 – Marketplace Courtyard – A hive of activity during the day, traders, sellers and customers intermingle in the centre, finding shade to hide from the hot midday sun.
  • 03 – Market Stalls – Items on offer change regularly as new traders arrive from different parts of the world.
  • 04 – Food and Beverage Stalls – While the oases make the desert city liveable, they don’t provide a wide variety of foodstuffs. Fresh produce from all corners of the continent can be found here, carefully transported and preserved.
  • 05 – Teahouse – The drinking of tea is a common pastime of the city’s inhabitants, and no trade negotiation is complete without a shared pot.
  • 06 – Secure Storage Rooms – Most visiting traders keep the main bulk of their goods under guard in the Traders Camp, but permission can be granted by Thar to store more valuable items on site.
  • 07 – Stairs – Lead up to 22
  • 08 – Trade Meeting Rooms – Private spaces for negotiations between visiting traders and local sellers for bulk purchase of goods.
  • 09 – Stables
  • 10 – Cart Park
  • 11 – Fountain Courtyard – The central fountain is filled daily with water from the emerald oases.
  • 12 – Thar’s Rest – After the market closes at sundown everyone moves into the Bar for entertainment and drinks. Thar hires the cities very best performers and entertainers to ensure a big crowd.
  • 13 – Bar
  • 14 – Changing Rooms
  • 15 – Lounge – Low padded seats and cushions are formed into small booths where information and stories are shared.
  • 16 – Toilets

Caravanserai 02 Bedrooms

  • 17 – Mezzanine – A second level of tables overlooks the stage
  • 18 – Balcony
  • 19 – Walkway
  • 20 – Suites – Rooms for the wealthier traders who prefer a private enclosed room to a tent in the Traders Camp.
  • 21 – Dorm Rooms – Cheaper rooms, often used by travelling adventurers looking to save coin.
  • 22 – Rooftop
  • 23 – Watchtowers – Although the arched gates are rarely closed, the entire building can be sealed off and double as a fortified compound if so needed. Thar keeps a staff of well-trained private guards and mercenaries, apparently for the safety of the traders.




This rocks so hard. Thank you!!!!!!!