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Hey everyone!

It's that time of the year where we choose the next theme for my main series of maps. We completed 'The Frontier' series in July with the Town of Driftwood, and I want input on what you would like to see from me next!

The next couple of releases are some special behind-the-scenes maps I have been working on for DMDave's Omeria - Hand of the Eight book (coming soon), but after that I will begin on the next series based on the outcome of this poll.

Leave a comment below if you have some ideas for maps you would like to see as part of your chosen theme!

The choices are:

Keeps & Castles - After having so much fun working on Merritt's Keep for last months anniversary maps, I have ideas for a number of other themed castles, keeps, fortresses and bases that could fit a variety of locations and settings. This theme would include maps like a Grimdark Gothic Castle, a Tropical Island Fortess, Castle Ruins, a Fortified Military Encampment, and Knightly Tournament Grounds.

Monster Lairs - Thanks to the fantastic work of Splattered Ink, we have a growing library of monsters and beasts for your parties to do battle with. Now we need some appropriate environments for a TPK...erm Epic Battle. This theme would include maps like an Orc Stronghold, Kobold Den, Dragons Nests, Mind-Alien(TM) Colony, and Eyestalk-Monster(TM) Lair.

The High Seas - We will explore Sinnbar Island and its surrounding waters. The Reclusive Cartographer created an exciting town map for us and I can't wait to flesh out some of the locations. This theme would include maps like Exotic Ships, Hidden Coves, Pirate Islands, Shipwrecks, Sinbarr Fort, The Governor's Residence, Sinbarr Town and the Sinder Volcano

Samarahd, The Desert City - We will explore the city of Samarahd and her oases. Misjay Maps created the beautiful city map for us and I am really excited to create battlemaps for a number of the locations. This theme would include maps like the Caravanserai, Grand Souq, Water and Fire Temples, Camel Racing Grounds, Pueblos and Valley of Tombs.

Poll ends Wednesday September 15th



Keeps & Castles <3

Ella Edwards

Oh please work on Samarahd.. that map was the reason I added Misjay’s as a Patreon. It’s simply gorgeous and would be amazing in my campaign.


I am also voting for Samarahd .... obviously ... Am really looking forward to seeing what you do with it ;-)


I mean you know what I am going to vote for lol

Spoony Doodle

Desert! Theres not much out there that isn't "a tomb with a sarcophagus in it"

Ian Whittington

Desert City would make this one of the few Patreons doing that theme. There are so many Monster Lairs out there.

Ronja Greger

Desert maps, please - I am currently running a campaign in that setting, but I have trouble finding mice maps :)


As much as I want to see deserts win, how are they beating out the high seas? Pirates all the way!


Castles are so hard to find!

Alberto Calsolaro

Desert City! We have to play the new Dune 2d20 RPG! :D

Jimmy Jeans

All these choices are freakin' fantastic and should definitely be worked on back to back once one is completed (pretty please do all of them Tom haha) but I personally am dying to have the island map filled up. I loved the concept but got blue balled when I found out that it was not getting unique maps like how Ostenwald was done. The desert map is super kino too, btw. Tom please do all of them, I am desperate haha


I guess I have a slight preference on the desert city. It's quite rare to have such stuff :)