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The desert sprawls for weeks in all directions, monotonous and deadly in equal measure. However, for those who know where to go, there exists a safe haven that is home to thousands.

Nestled at the base of a solitary mountain, a small group of sparkling green oases are protected from the raging sandstorms that plague the region. In the past, it was said that an emerald dragon would appear to those who were lost amongst the sands and guide them here. This site became a seasonal meeting and trading place for many of the wandering nomadic groups that called the harsh desert home.

Over time, some of these tribes chose to settle here all year round, building a new diverse community. The city thrived and grew, attracting more and more of the wanderers and slowly outsiders became aware of the jewel in the desert. Some came to trade peacefully, others to learn, but a rotten few thought to take this city for themselves. Infighting among the different tribal leaders had led to poor defences and a lack of any cohesive guard meant these few saw the city as ripe for taking.

A great army was sent to traverse the desert and conquer the city, but their passage was hampered. The desert is a dangerous place at all times, but it was almost as though the endless sands and their denizens were deliberately targeting the invaders. When they finally arrived at the city, they were less than half their original number, and found themselves facing a newly erected wall built of wet mud and sand, twice the height of a man.

They gathered their strength and flung themselves at the walls, but as they did so a mighty sandstorm gathered about them and struck. It blew for half a day, and when it abated none of the soldiers remained, but the walls still stood. A few of the defenders later told stories of huge beating green wings in the centre of the storm.

In the five hundred years or so since, the city has continued to grow, and is now more than capable of defending itself. The mud wall has been replaced by a towering stone fortification and the people have an elected council and strong leadership. There have been no recent sightings of the emerald dragon, but some of the citizens believe it still sleeps in the mountain above them, and you will often hear tales in the many caravanserais of lost travellers being guided to safety by an unseeable presence.

This map was drawn by the very talented Misjay Maps, more about her below.

Grid Information

GRID SIZE 24x34 (300DPI)
SIZE – 3360x4760 (140DPI)

Design Notes

  • 01 – Traders Gate – Primary entrance for those bringing goods to trade and barter, or seeking wares to purchase in hope of profit elsewhere.
  • 02 – Traders Camp – Semi-permanent settlement used by travelling tradespeople.
  • 03 – The Tajir – The Tajir are a Senate appointed committee in charge of setting trade prices. They run a guild of the same name from a compound near the Traders Gate.
  • 04 – Caravenserai – A large marketplace. All goods bought into the city to be sold must first be offered here to be purchased by the local sellers. Anything not sold after two days can be taken to the Zayir’s corner in the Grand Souq. The building also contains a number of hotels and entertainment venues for wealthier visiting traders.
  • 05 – Water Temple – A temple that does not devote itself to any particular god, but instead to the life bringing and healing qualities of water. Generally favoured by the herders and farmers.
  • 06 – Poets Square – Many of the great scholars and bards come here to proselytise, debate, entertain and learn from one another.
  • 07 – The Warren – Residential area filled with smaller homes and less affluent families. The maze-like nature of the pathways and alleys confuses many visitors, giving it its nickname, but the locals know the best way to move around is across the rooftops. This is a tight-knit community and one of the oldest settlements in the city, after the Pueblos.
  • 8 – The Grand Souq – A sprawling open air market split into three sectors; The Celadon market in the east which sells food and perishable goods; The Harlequin Market in the centre which sells general goods and includes Zayir’s corner; and The Jade Market in the west which sells fine goods and crafts.
  • 9 – Hidden Oasis – Surrounded by restaurants and cafés, the only way to view this tiny oasis is to order a coffee and sit one of the decorated roof terraces. Its water is said to have soothing properties.
  • 10 – Order of the Magi – The most learned and gifted members of each of the tribes formed this Order to share their knowledge and continue to learn for the sake of the city and its people. They also advise the senate. The city’s prison is in the levels below the Order’s headquarters.
  • 11 – Lawmaster’s Courts – As well as the courts and legal offices, this sector contains most of the city’s civic buildings.
  • 12 – Maekara Road – This narrow road slopes steeply up towards the city barracks. As well as being lined with overflow barracks and military outfitters, it is easily defended by those above and makes the barracks almost impossible to attack head on.
  • 13 – City Barracks – A fortified area overlooking the city. It houses the main army training grounds, living quarters and stables. Its height means it is easily defended from the front, and the mountain protects it from behind. Sentries posted here can see for almost a full days ride out into the desert, giving plenty of warning of approaching forces.
  • 14 – The Emerald Palace – Named for the mythical dragon that protects the city. The palace houses the senate and quarters for many of the senators, as well as visiting dignitaries. Much of the grounds, as well as the Oasis Docks, are publicly accessible, but carefully watched.
  • 15 – Nomad’s Camp – The site of the first camp from which the city grew. Now used by the chiefs of the visiting tribes who have chosen to maintain their nomadic lifestyle, but still return often to the city for trade and to maintain relationships.
  • 16 – The Pueblos – The first permanently constructed settlements in the city. These dwellings were largely built into the mountain itself, serving a dual purpose of protection and structural support. Centuries later, many of them have been combined or expanded and are owned by the wealthiest members of the society.
  • 17 – Sinaea District– This is the makers district of the city. Numerous artisans and craftspeople live and work here. Samarahd is particularly known for its beautifully dyed fabrics, ornate tiles, hand cut jewellery, and intricate woven rugs.
  • 18 – Quarry and Mine Entrance – Many of the buildings throughout the city are constructed of hardened sand and mud blocks, but the more elaborate or defensive buildings, in particular the fortified walls, are built from stone quarried directly from the mountain. Shortly after the quarry was established, veins of precious metals and stones were uncovered and are mined here in a network of tunnels known as the ‘Roots of the Mountain’.
  • 19 – Sunstone Obelisk – After the fabled ‘battle’ where a sandstorm eradicated the invading army, this pillar of jet-black stone was found outside the city walls, uncovered by the raging winds. It stands now as a shrine to the desert. When the Sun strikes the obelisk directly, it’s dark exterior seems to glisten with a vivid rainbow of colours. The Order of the Magi believe it to be an ancient arcane device but have had no luck in unlocking its mysteries.
  • 20 – Fire Temple - A temple that does not devote itself to any particular god, but instead to the dual creative and destructive properties of fire. Generally favoured by the crafters and miners.
  • 21 - Jantala- Shrines and small temples to numerous gods are maintained here, but no one god has a place of prominence. It is primarily a place of healing, for both body and mind.
  • 22 Funeral Docks – Used for state funerals where the body is transported from the Emerald Palace to the Temple of Judgement.
  • 23 – Temple of Judgement – Entrance to the Valley of Tombs. The bodies of those who are to be laid to rest in the Valley are first placed in this temple for seven days, during which time they are judged by both the people and the gods. If they are considered worthy by both, they may rest for eternity in the shadow of the mountain.
  • 24 – Valley of Tombs - Generally, the dead of Samarahd are cremated as burial in the ever-shifting sands is not possible. Entombment in the Valley is reserved for a special few favoured sons and daughters of the city.
  • 25 – Orchards – Aside from the hardy grasses that are the primary fodder for the goats and camels, crops can be hard to grow in the desert. The land immediately surrounding the Oases is fertile however, and a number of fruit bearing trees and shrubs grow here happily.
  • 26 – Night Fields -  Goat and Camel herders bring their animals here at night, after allowing them to wander the nearby desert during the day.
  • 27 – Meraj District - The entertainment district. Centred around a large open-air theatre, this area has high end accommodation for travellers and entertainment of all kinds. It is generally viewed as ‘higher-class’ than the Grand Souq, and the most successful and notable of the artisans and crafters have shops here.
  • 28 – Ice Ponds – While the desert is oppressively hot during the day, it can also fall to below freezing temperatures at night. In the evening shallow pools of water are filled and allowed to freeze over-night. This ice is then distributed around venues in the Meraj District the following day to keep clients cool.
  • 29 – The Birdhouse – The newest residential district in the city. Homes are better built, the streets are more organised, and there are more facilities than the Warrens, but it lacks the same sense of community. Rooftop Pigeon coops are common, hence the nickname. The sight of the pigeon trainers flying their flocks at sunset brings many visitors.
  • 30 – Herders Gate – Primary entrance for the herders bringing their livestock in and out of the city.
  • 31 – Camel Racing Arena – While most of the herders raise camels for either their milk or as beasts of burden, some compete in the Arena. Camel races happen once a month and are one of the city’s biggest draws.
  • 32 – The Dusts - After a century of growth, the city is getting close to filling its walls. The farmland around the oases is too valuable to give over to more residential buildings, so some newcomers have started to build outside, trusting that the desert will keep them safe as it did in the past. Passing winds fill the homes with an ever-present layer of sand and grit those inside the walls are protected from, leading to the nickname.


Misjay Maps - Hi I am Misjay (AKA Janice). I create maps at different scales and in a variety of styles. Battlemaps and Settlement maps are my favorite, however, occasionally I dabble with World maps too. Currently I am particularly enjoying creating maps with playable elevation changes. 

Support Misjay on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/misjaymaps
Check out her store on Roll20 - https://marketplace.roll20.net/browse/publisher/445/misjay-maps




Just a quick note: on the map itself, 'Entrance' is mispelt... the 'c' and the 'n' have been transposed. Love the map though 💗😊


Damn, thought I got them all. Will update tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up!


That's darn cool!

Jimmy Jeans

This is so sweet Tom! Any chance we could have a spoiler on what sites you are making maps for??? Or perhaps we can vote for which ones?


Hi Jimmy, I have the next couple planned out (Caravanserai and Valley of Tombs), but I think running a poll to see which ones are most popular is a great idea!