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Hi Everyone,

As my Patreon continues to grow at a rate that never ceases to amaze me (thank you all so much!) I have been wanting more and more to have a better sense of community engagement with you all, and Patreon is not very well set up for that.

I have been considering setting up a Discord server for that purpose, and have also had a few requests to do so from some of you, and I would like to get some feedback on whether or not there are enough of you interested in this to make it worthwhile. Please answer the poll below so I can get an idea of how useful this would be to all of you.

I have a few ideas for potential channels in the server, such as Community Map channels to see how you use my assets or make mods of my maps, and also for you to share your own original creations, Community Highlight channels where those of you who are also creators could have a spotlight, WIP channels so you can see what I'm working on and give feedback in real time, better ways for you to provide Suggestions to me, as well as some other general chat and TTRPG channels. If there is anything else you would like to see, let me know!

This would be probably an open public Discord, with a few Patron only channels, so those who follow me and use the free maps could also be involved.

This poll will end on Sunday June 27th



I am in 15 D&D related Discords (nearly all of them via Patreon). I put them in a separate folder and have maybe spent 15 minutes combined on them in the past six months. I have to mute them since they notify dozens of times a day minimum.


I know this is the case for a lot of people (myself included) which is the main reason I haven't had one up until now, but if there are enough people interested in having one that it will see regular engagement, then I would like to offer it.


Elvolganta, I think you introduced me to Discord. I dropped into the Fantasy Maps server about 2 years from the subreddit ago and was like 'WTH is Discord?' and you explained it to me


Would be great if there was a mega map maker discord. As I tend to be several and have them all muted.


I agree. I would love it if some of the map making creators joined forces on one big discord rather than everyone having their own. I think it would benefit everyone.


I like seeing the community stuff in various discords. Some of them have separate channels for "Look at this thing I made" and "Let's discuss this thing I made" which I think makes the signal/noise ratio on the first one pretty high. I usually mute individual channels in each one I'm in to keep it to the good stuff, but I certainly wouldn't mind seeing what other people make. Usually, it's pretty cool. Consider also, a "Roast my Map" channel for posting your own map and then other people make fun of it.


Tabletop Creators Hub already does this with a few. Boy King of Idaho and Mapguffin are two that I believe are there.


I might pop in occasionally, but would add that if there was a patreon only channel by tier even for just the download links, would be amazing.


i actually searched for your discord a few days ago, since that's is a common thing for patreons. i think that you should have one, especially for your mapmakers patreons.


I recommend joining with another content creator and getting your own tab within their discord group. Try DM Dave.


Hi Chris, the issue with that (and other combined mapmaker servers that others have suggested) is you can only connect one Patreon account to any Discord Server. It would also make it seem that I work for Dave or am part of his company, which is not the case.


Honest opinion: If you're going to create the server "just to have a discord", don't bother. If you yourself, collaborators etc are going to be active there, discussing maps, features, styles, design, answering questions etc, then it might be cool! Keep in mind a community doesn't grow by itself, it needs moderation and nurture, so a successful, meaningful discord will require time and effort.


Hi Espen, I have no intention to have a Discord for the sake of it. If I was I would have had one from the beginning. I feel like there are now enough people involved in my Patreon that a better community platform might be worthwhile for exactly the points you mentioned, and of course I would be actively involved in it (as would other creators I collaborate with).


Alternative to that is the Forgotten Adventures discord which is massive. It's far big enough all on its own that I wouldn't want to combine it with others.


I really like both you guys and was just trying to help. Thank you for the response.