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Colters Hardware Emporium is owned and run by two sisters, Jesse and Maybelle Colter. The girls lost their parents early on in life and in order to survive out in the Frontier they joined one of the gangs based out in the hills. Jesse took to it quickly and became an expert marksman, but although Maybelle earned her keep it was clear she never really wanted to be part of the life.

Jesse could see this and, wanting the best for her sister, found them a way out. They broke from the gang, got a loan from a travelling businessman and opened their own store in town. Business went well and their small shop quickly grew into the ‘Colters Hardware Emporium’ – stockers of all fine goods and arms. Jesse runs the Gunsmith and Maybelle the General Store next door. At least that is what Maybelle believes.

In reality, Jesse made a deal with the gang leader. In return for allowing the girls to leave and giving them enough money to start their new life, Jesse supplies quality arms and information to the gang from within the town. In particular she passes on information of wealthy travellers or adventurers who are passing through and might not be missed.

Grid Information

GRID SIZE 17x22 (300DPI)
SIZE – 2380x3080 (140DPI)

A 'Fantasy' variant is also included for those who don't include firearms in their games.

Design Notes

Colters Hardware Emporium 01 Store

  • 01 – Boardwalk – Goods from the General Store spill out, encouraging passers-by to enter. Stairs lead to 09.
  • 02 – General Store – Selling all manner of goods from Food and Kitchen Supplies to Adventuring Gear and Couture.
  • 03 – Payment Counter – Specialty goods are stored under the counter.
  • 04 – Gunsmith – All manner of guns can be bought, repaired or custom made.
  • 05 – Payment Counter – High end items are stored in a case behind the counter.
  • 06 – Storage Cupboard – Mostly crafting supplies. Arms ready to be picked up by the gang are hidden in a crate at the back.
  • 07 – Smithy – This is where Jesse makes the weapons for both the store and the gang. Stairs lead up to 11.
  • 08 – Back Entrance – Stairs lead up to 19.

Colters Hardware Emporium 02 Living Quarters

  • 09 – Mezzanine – Additional supplies and clothes are displayed. Stairs lead down to 02. Outdoor stairs lead down to 01.
  • 10 – Changing Rooms
  • 11 – Kitchen – Stairs lead down to 07.
  • 12 -  Jesse’s Office – Being the quieter of the two, Jesse handles most of the book keeping work for the business. Maybelle is more of the ‘face’. She also uses the office for tinkering with new creations.
  • 13 – Small Supply Cupboard
  • 14 – Lounge
  • 15 – WC
  • 16 – Maybelle’s Bedroom
  • 17 – Jesse’s Bedroom
  • 18 – Private Terrace
  • 19 – Balcony – Stairs lead down to 08.
  • 20 – Shooting Range – Mostly used by Jesse to keep her aim sharp, but can also be hired by customers to try out new weapons or practice their skills.




Yet another excellent map for my wild west campaign.


Like is such a mild word. These maps fit so well to my campaign (Horror at Headstone Hill) that my campaign just got to next level ;)

Jimmy Jeans

Happy Father's Day, Tom! Beautiful work here as always lol.


I am afraid I am blind. Where would I find the fantasy variant?