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At the end of last year I asked all of you what other types or artwork you would like to see from our contributor artists. Among the top picks were character illustrations of NPCs to drop into your world, and I love the idea. 

Last month we had a poll to choose which character to do first, but as there was such a positive response from all of you I decided to go ahead and do the top three!

I have collaborated with Darryl from Splattered Ink to create these beautiful character illustrations, as well as playable VTT tokens for them. You can use some of the lore and maps for them from the Ostenwold Starter Town location for them, or adapt them to your own world and setting.

If you would like to see more of these, there are plenty more Characters from Ostenwold to explore, and after that we can look at some of the other locations of our expanding world as well! Let me know in the comments if you want more of these, and who we should do next.

Characters of Ostenwold - Part 1

The Wizard Dresden - Male Tiefling Wizard - Although generally cold and unwelcoming, Dresden is well liked by the locals as he has been known to help them out on occasion when other avenues have failed.

Get the Dresdens Tower Map Set HERE
Adventurer Tier Patrons and above can get the 'Dresdens Demons' Adventure Module HERE 

Altria Nolani - Female Human Druid - A gruff, middle aged woman with silvering hair. She is not fond of humanoid company, feeling more at ease in nature. She will brew up a cure or potion if asked correctly, though she may ask a favour in return.

Get the Apothecary's Secret Map Set HERE
Adventurer Tier Patrons and above can get the 'Apothecary's Secret' Adventure Module HERE 

Renée Cartagon - Non-Binary Half-Elf Sorceror - An incredibly glamorous and ostentatious individual. One of Ostenwold's newer residents, they recently moved here from the city to start their own tailoring business, with a side hustle in magical items.

Get the Renée's Ravishing Raiments Map Set HERE 

Check out the rest of the Ostenwold Series HERE 


Splattered Ink Games - 'I'm Darryl T. Jones, a long time gamer and artist. I'll be creating unique creatures, tokens, maps, assets, encounters and complete adventures for use with your favorite Role Playing Games.'

Check out Splattered Ink on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/splatteredink




Awesome 👍🏻 Can‘t wait to see more of them


These are great! More please! 😄


Tom, is more information about Ostenwold available anywhere? Is it part of DM Dave's Campaign setting? If not will there be a release of the setting in a single release? I've been snatching all the adventures from the setting, but a single compendium would be fantastic.


Hi John, so far not yet, but this is something I may do in the future! Dave has written some adventures set in Ostenwold, but it is my own creation.