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This adventure was created by Torchlight Press, more about them below!

Adventure Overview 

Necromancer’s Sanctum is a Fifth Edition adventure for 3 to 7 characters of 13th to 14th level, and is optimized for 5 characters with an average party level (APL) of 13.  

Seipris the Soulkeeper holds dominion over a subterranean empire of ghouls, vampires, and other undead. Deep beneath the surface in lightless tunnels and vast chambers, the civilized ghouls of the empire carved glory from flesh and stone under Seipris’ leadership. She led the empire to victory against the humanoids, and now that race is all but extinct in any territory the ghouls control.  

The ghouls are content to reside in the lightless depths beneath the earth for now, but Seipris muses about what prizes exist under the sky. To this end, she tends to operate out of an enchanted sanctum capable of teleporting throughout the material plane in places where the underworld meets the surface.  

Seipris’ activities near the surface have earned her a fearsome reputation, drawing the attention of adventurers throughout the realm.


Torchlight Press - Torchlight Press creates a variety of  their own 5e based content, as well as being a regular contributor to DMDave. They are growing collection of exciting drop-in adventures, maps, and monsters. Are you ready to expand your world?


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Thanks Tom. An adventure for high level, it's unusual and really nice. Can't wait to play this for m'y group at this level


The VTT maps are flipped east for west as well as being rotated. Room1: "There are two doors on the eastern wall, one to the north and one to the south."


Could we get a version of the map with the hidden room, but without the giant red line that link the two place on the map ?


On the VTT versions the red line is removed for the Hidden maps. Are you looking at the print ones?


I'll see if I can get the PDF text (and the in-PDF map, which is oriented in accordance with the text) updated to align with the VTT maps later this week. Thanks!


I would think it would be easier to just do a quick flip/rotate of the VTT maps so that they match the in PDF text. (That's what I already did for myself.) Especially so if the print versions of the maps matches the PDF & text. Edit: I see the PDF print versions are also rotated and flipped so I guess it would be easier to change the PDF map and text. The maps in the DM map bundle above match the PDF so they would need to be changed to match.

Eric Sandvik

Just an FYI, they include Ghuls in room 17 which I believe are referencing the kobold press stat block fromTome of Beasts 2 given the spelling and since they call them spell casters.


the statblock for them should have been included in the PDF. I'll check in with Tom and make sure the right version got uploaded. Tom's got the baby and everything going on though, so your patience is appreciated 😅

Eric Sandvik

Sure, since I happened to have that book I already have it but wanted to make you guys aware. This happened to slot in perfectly with the campaign I'm currently running so I was getting everything ready anyway. I think tier 3 and 4 have a real lack of pluggable adventures available so I really appreciate this.


Yeah, unfortunately it's really difficult to meaningfully challenge a party (especially when writing adventure text for Every party) at that level in combat, which tends to be a large part of the game I usually try and write around it by focusing on uncovering the history and story of locations alongside the combat pillar, but it doesn't always pan out