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This is the complete set of this months 'Into The Wilds' maps. The Into the Wilds maps are intended to be simpler & more generic than my regular sets and are perfect to drop in for random encounters when on the road or for when the party takes an unexpected turn and you want to be prepared. 

Adventurer Tier patrons and above can vote in next months Into the Wilds Theme Poll HERE 

Patrons voted for this months maps to be 'Dungeon' themed. The bundle includes:

Entrance Hall - After descending through the caverns for what seems like half a day, you are finally confronted with a change in the walls. No longer are they organic rock, but old carved stone. A heavy door set in the stonework initially resists, but ultimately swings open and as your eyes adjust you see a great entrance hall. You are met by towering statues flanked by carved tablets, possibly telling the tales of whatever civilisation built this, but the language is lost to time.

Crypt - The structure continues deeper and deeper, you pass a number of collapsed tunnels and passageways before finding yourselves confronted by the scent of decay, oddly absent elsewhere. Crumbling wooden sarcophagi are stacked in shelves on either side of the wall. A few are still intact, while others are open. Their original inhabitants apparently nowhere to be seen.

Endless Stair - As the doors swing open you find yourself at the top of a circular winding stair, the bottom obscured by an unnatural fog. After making your way down for what seems like hours, finally there is a change in the view below. A glowing blue light gets brighter and brighter until suddenly the stair ends!
After solving the puzzle of the lights, the lower doors open leading to a long dark passageway. At the end of the passage, the doors swing open and you find yourself at the top of a circular winding stair, the bottom obscured by an unnatural fog....

Prison & Guard Room - Not all of these old halls are abandoned. Some have become home to creatures who thrive on darkness, while others are hiding places for societies outcasts and villains. No one knows who or what these rooms were originally designed to contain, but their current occupants have bigger problems to concern themselves with.

Throne Room - Once the epicentre of a kingdom, this cavernous room now lies in ruin. Crumbling stone and moss covered floors are all that remain. Except that giant skeleton sitting on that very large chair. Probably shouldn't investigate too closely, but then again what harm could it do?

Use the link at the top of this post to download all variants of these maps in Print and/or VTT format.

GRID SIZE - 22x17 inch (300DPI)
VTT SIZE - 3080x2380 (140DPI)



Alex Moore

Any chance this will be made into a Foundry Module? That would be great if it will be!