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UPDATE TO THE UPDATE - Hey everyone. I'm really sorry but there were some issues with the initial V1.02 packs that made them incompatible with the previous versions, and you may have noticed some assets disappearing from existing maps after installation.
The problem is now resolved and you can re-download the new versions of the V1.02 packs and install them instead.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused!

Hi Everyone,

Here is this months DungeonDraft Megapack update from Moulk.

In order to install it, all you have to do is download the packs and replace the old ones with the new ones in your file structure.

Moulk has also provided a changelog so you can see what is included in the update.
Note only the Artificial Assets, Natural Assets, Building Assets & Prefab Assets packs have been updated this month. You will not need to reinstall the Floors or Modular Assets packs.


TC Artificial Assets V1.02 (27/04/2021)

  • All April content has been integrated.
  • Tags were improved.

TC Natural Assets V1.02 (30/04/2021)

  • All April content has been integrated.
  • Some redundant assets were removed.
  • Tags were improved.

TC Building Assets V1.02 (30/04/2021)

  • All April content has been integrated.

TC Prefab Assets V1.02 (30/04/2021)

  • All April content has been integrated.


Erlend Aakre

Dang, building assets have increased from 470 to 876 mb from version 1.0 to 1.02 :o


Does anybody else have a problem with upgrading asset pack? When I put new version and disable old ones things disappearing from map :/ Am I doing something wrong?


Hey Azmog, no one else has reported any issues so far, but I'll keep an eye on it in case. Moulk took out a couple.of duplicate assets so it may be those that are disappearing.


I'm so sorry Azmog, that's totally my fault. There's been a confusion when I sent the packs to Tom. Fixed packs should be online soon.


OK :) Waiting for a info when I can update assets packs and my map ;)


Hi Tom. I think you did typo in update date. It should be 30/04 and not 30/03? :)


...yup, you're right. Still on me. Man I guess I was tired this day...


Hi, having a bit of a problem with downloading this pack. I've tried downloading a few times but for whatever reason internet stops working mid download. I've tweaked a few settings but the download link now says "This site can’t be reached". Is this due to too many download attempts? Is this something you can help with? I don't have any problems downloading other content from the interwebz.


Is there a way to use these packs with other map making software (DungeonFog)?


Howdy and thanks for the amazing work! No qualms supporting work like this. Im new to this site and working with Foundry VTT and wondering if this Megapack contains all of the assets and maps in one bunch? Or are they in seperate packs? Id love to just download all I can from Tier 3! Thanks again!


Hi Erik, This pack is specifically for Dungeondraft, as it requires some coding and set up on our end to use custom assets with DD. I think for programs like DungeonFog you can just import the PNG assets as they are.


Hi Zeth, I hope you have got this working now, but if not try downloading the packs individually. You may have some firewall that IP settings that restrict large downloads like this one.


Hi Michael, the DD Megapack just includes all of the assets converted for Dungeondraft, as it requires some set up on our end to use, and does not include the maps. I'm afraid I don't currently have a way to download all available content for your tier (partly because there is far too much of it, over 200GB, and partly to reduce piracy of my content). I have plans for some easier ways to get bulk content though in the future. For now I recommend just getting. what you need as you need it. You will have unlimited access for as long as you are a patron so let me handle the file storage for you.


Hi, thanks for the reply. I indeed did get it to work so all is good now :)


Hi Tom, first of all thank's for your work ! i'm new on patreon, i have the "builder pack". The megapack contains all asset i can download or i have access to another things? i use DungeonDraft and FoundryVTT Edit : Sorry, i have my answer with your previous answer to Michael Martin ;)