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There are few settlements in the Frontier region large enough to have their own formal guard or watch, so many of the smaller camps have banded together to form a roving militia in an attempt to dampen the threat from bandits, and worse, in the area. Few of their number have any real battle experience, but they are led by Torven Deepnest, a Dwarf of some renown from his days fighting in the emperor’s elite guard, and they have proven themselves greater than the sum of their parts on many occasions.

They are currently camped in a dense wooded area a few miles from the mountains, whose cavern-riddled foothills are home to many of the regions scum and villainy. They had thought themselves well hidden and had carried out a number of successful raids on the enemy encampments in recent days. But over the last few night they have been attacked in the dark by unseen foes and are reeling from the losses.

Unable to leave until they have fulfilled their mission, they would be grateful for any help in fighting back whatever evil has been plaguing them.


These maps were originally a commission, and the client has given me permission to share them with you all. As an added bonus for Patrons I have also created the Snow, Desert, Night and Lower Level variants.

Grid Information

GRID SIZE 30x25 (300DPI)
SIZE – 4200x3500 (140DPI)

Design Notes

Militia Camp

  • 01 – Dirt Road – There are few proper roads in the region, but this is one of the more heavily trodden tracks.
  • 02 – Barricades – The recent attacks have meant that defences have been improved, at least as much as possible. The spiked barricades prevent a full-frontal assault.
  • 03 – Cooking Fire – The centre of the camp, social hub, training area and meeting room for the militia.
  • 04 – Commanders Tent – The commander uses this tent for meeting with his soldiers and strategising but tends to sleep elsewhere to avoid assassination in the night.
  • 05 – Medical Tent – Unfortunately full more often than not.
  • 06 – Blacksmith – Basic tools for basic repairs and maintenance. Nothing fancy here.
  • 07 – Soldiers Camp
  • 08 – Hammocks – Some of the soldiers prefer to sleep in the open. Easier to keep watch.
  • 09 – Watchtowers – Another recent addition to give some prior warning of attacks. The dense tree cover that initially protected the camp makes it difficult for them to be entirely effective, however.




OMG I love this. This is perfect for an NPC group that my characters regularly interact with. My "home made" version sucked compared to this. Awesome. Thank you thank you.

Jimmy Jeans

I am a huge fan of this! I would love to see more military-style camps like this for sure.


Tom, I love the descriptions of areas on this map. I find stuff like this and the little writing prompts in the ostenwold VTT really help me get started in writing an encounter I might be writer's blocked on otherwise.


I'm really glad it helps! I always have fun writing them, and find having a bit of a narrative in mind helps me create the maps and add detail.


Love the map! Any chance we might get the assets as a separate download. Sorry is this is a stupid question I'm fairly new. Thanks!


Hi David, The assets are in a separate post for higher tier subscribers. You can look through all of the assets here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/39904834


Ok that totally makes sense! Thanks Tom!


This came in at the perfect time for me today! I was just about to make a map very similar to what you have right here in my mind and saved me hours of work for the game later on today! Much Appreciated!!