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Although the freeholders are the most numerous inhabitants of the eastern frontier lands, they were not the first to call it home. Small groups of wandering nomads have lived here for generations. They do not build settlements, and so leave little evidence of their existence, but there are a number of burial sites that hold particular significance to them. They are avoided by the freeholders out of respect, and not a little superstition.

One of the burial grounds has been desecrated by grave robbers, but the nomads are unable to intervene as all but the chief and elders are forbidden from entering the lower chambers according to the ancient laws of their people. The chief went to investigate but hasn’t returned. Now they are seeking outsiders to help remove the grave robbers, find the chief, and ensure no more damage is done, as the spirits are surely angry enough already. One of the remaining elders can provide some guidance on how to enter the lower chambers, but is too frail to be able to join them, and only the chief knew all of the crypt’s secrets.

Additional Information

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GRID SIZE 34x22 (72 DPI)
PIXEL SIZE 2448x1584



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