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After fleeing the fight at the Inn, Takano and his closest followers head towards the Pagoda. It is the tallest structure in the town, and now the only place they are likely to find any kind of sanctuary. Dai-Osho Haiko, the head priest of the temple, allows the group in, but warns them against any enacting any violence on the grounds. When the guards catch up, they are given a similar warning and are forced to remain outside. Haiko is well respected among all of the townsfolk, and none will dare go against his orders within the temple, not even Lord Katamori. At least, not openly.

Both sides are at a stalemate, Katamori's forces can not be seen attempting to enter the 5 storey pagoda, and Takano and the other leaders of the rebellion cannot leave or will be arrested. It will now be a race to see which side can achieve their goal first, Takano's group need to leave the tower without being spotted, while Katamori's men need to gain access to the upper levels ,where they believe Takano is hiding, without being seen by the monks.

However this encounter ends, it can only lead to one outcome. A final showdown at Katamori's Castle to settle the matter once and for all.


Use the ZIP folder at the bottom of this post to download the free versions of this map set. If you would like access to the high resolution, un-watermarked and gridless variants of this and other maps along with extra rewards, and would like to support me, check out my paid Patreon tiers!

Patrons also gain access to the Night, Winter & Unfurnished variants of these maps, as well as 45 new assets, completing the adventure!

GRID SIZE - 22x34 inch (72DPI)  
VTT SIZE - 1584x2448



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