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Gnolls are pseudo-demonic humanoids possessed by an insatiable hunger. And in The Wither, the great wasteland bordering Aspaeth and Dorithell, gnolls are an incurable plague. Southern Omerian traders are forced with two options: completely avoid The Wither and its gnolls by way of boat or traveling along the narrow coasts, or venture through the dangerous land and pray the gnolls don’t catch your scent on the wind. Those who choose the latter option—referred to as Deadrunners by most Central Omerians—are some of the bravest (or craziest) humanoids in the land. 

The adventurers find themselves at a popular Deadrunner stopover point, the Djinguré fortress. A brutal sandstorm keeps them trapped inside with seven strangers. Meanwhile, a war party of ravenous gnolls named Gray Bones lays siege to the fortress. 

Trapped during a sandstorm. 

Surrounded by evil. 

Low on supplies. 

Will the adventurers survive?

Where to Add This Adventure

This adventure is designed for three to seven 3rd- to 4th-level characters and is optimized for five characters with an average party level (APL) of 4. The adventure asks the characters to work with villains to protect the Djinguré mud fort from gnoll invaders. Not only will the adventure present a myriad of combat situations, but plenty of tense roleplaying opportunities as well. Furthermore, it is an event-based adventure. It's recommended that the GM has a complete understanding of the adventure's dynamic structure before running it.

Get the 21-page horror survival adventure Hunger for free. (Download link at the top of the page.)

Sign up as a DMDave Copper Patron and get 6 new monsters for this adventure plus access to over 250 Fifth Edition PDFs.

Get all of the minis for this adventure FREE on Paper Forge's site. 

And get ALL the color variants for only a buck!

Giant Gnoll Miniature (Basic) | Giant Gnoll Color Variants 

Gnoll Zombie Miniature (Basic) | Gnoll Zombie Color Variants 

Gnoll Shaman and Hyena (Basic and Color Variants) 

Gnoll Scout and Warrior (Basic) | Gnoll Warrior Color Variants | Gnoll Scout Color Variants 

Gnoll War Chief (Basic) | Gnoll War Chief Color Variants 

Get the Basic Map Set: Djinguré Mud Fort Basic Set 

Get the Map Variants: Djinguré Mud Fort Variants (Night and Sandstorm)

Get the Map Assets: Djinguré Mud Fort "Clean" Version and Assets (Build Your Own Fort!)




Is there any chance of us getting the Paperforge mini art without the base/background for VTT?


Hi Charles, you can get all of Paper Forges VTT ready pngs here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/35093024 Most of the base variants and pogs are free, the Gnolls start at number 32