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Hello Travellers!

While searching for a potion store in town, the party hears about an apothecary who lives out in the woods. They are warned, however, that she doesn't take kindly to visitors, and they absolutely shouldn't travel there at night as there have been monster attacks in the forest recently. "What's that you say? You're not scared of monsters, well maybe you can take care of the problem for us, might be a reward in it"

If the PCs choose to seek her out, they will make their way through the trees to a log cabin. Inside resides a gruff, middle aged woman with silvering hair, who may or may not introduce herself as Altria. Unfortunately, she is very low on potions right now, due to er... unforeseen shortages in ingredients. Begrudgingly, she might explain that the particular mushrooms she needs grow in a cavern below the house, but she has been unable to get to them as a 'beast' has taken residence, and what supplies she had left have been stolen, along with some other important items. 

Will the party venture below to vanquish the beast, or simply grab the mushrooms and run? Will they discover her nest and the reason for her maternal aggression, and will they realise the monster is actually Altria's trained guardian? A once tame pet that is now savaging the local populace. What should be Altria's fate?

I have included a number of other areas that you could use for potential encounters, interactions or traps. Here are a few ideas on ways you could use them:

- A small shrine sits along one of the woodland paths with offerings of coin at its feet. If the party choose to steal from the shrine of otherwise desecrate it, they will have a harder time talking to Altria, however if they leave an offering of their own she may be more amenable.

- A fairy circle sits opposite the druids home. If the party interact with it peacefully, a woodland creature may choose to help guide them on their path for a while. If they damage or disrespect it, some fey being might attack.

- A small camp of bandits is set up around a sinkhole in the south east corner of the area. They will put up little fight if confronted by the party, as their plan for hiding contraband in the cave below turned on them after they ventured deeper into the underground tunnels. A great monster decimated their group and all they want is to go home. They will give the party the key to the gate, or maybe the trigger happy PCs will simply take it from their corpses. This is an alternate way into the caverns if the conversation with Altria goes poorly. They have a rowing boat to navigate the rivers, but it is only big enough for two and headroom is limited.

- Altria's house is a mess of assorted furniture, random items and antiques, and stacks on stacks of books and parchment. She has been researching how to deal with her overgrown pet by herself, but has had little luck. It seems Altria and the creature have reached a stalemate, neither wishes to harm the other, but Altria knows she needs the beast gone as it is killing the villagers. If the party is so inclined, there may be a magical item or two to steal in the piles.

- If Altria refuses to let the party use her trapdoor entrance to the caverns, they could try to sneak down through the recently boarded up well. This will lead to a pool and the underground rivers below.

- There are a number of paths in the cavern system below the woods. Rockfalls and stalagmites block the path in some areas. The PCs could choose to dig/smash their way through, creating a shortcut, but alerting every creature down here to their presence.

- The underground rivers will provide the shortest route to the monster’s lair, but will require the party to venture underwater in total darkness. Stinging weeds line these tunnels that could temporarily paralyse an unfortunate who touches them. Side effects may include drowning and death.

- A small warren might be found by following a small nook in the south western corner of the cavern. Small, somewhat intelligent beings live down here, out of the reach of the caverns larger residents, and are the culprits for the recent spate of thefts in Altria’s home. They might fight to protect their hoard, or offer it as payment to stay the party’s hand. Melee fighters may have a hard time swinging their sword/axe/enormous war hammer down here.

- Clambering to a higher ledge will lead to a seemingly easier path to the beasts lair, the only obstruction some sticky, stringy material that can be cut or burnt. Better hope the party doesn’t find its creators hiding in the alcoves.

- When the party finally reaches the creature, it seems that it may no longer be alone. Some of the eggs are hatching and the babies are coming to their mother’s aid. And what of the father?

This new map set covers the apothecary's house, surrounding forest and cavern below.  Use the link at the top of the page to get the high resolution day and night variants. Let me know how you choose to run it, and what the party decides to do!

GRID SIZE - 40x30 inch 

VTT SIZE - 5600x4200 pixels





Really enjoying the maps, very detailed and beautiful. Only comment I'd make is maybe considering a lower quality pack for your VTT users. There is a 10 MB limit for individual maps on a Pro roll20 account. I don't know if it's too much hassle to downgrade the size/detail of each map but it may be worth it if you end up with a good proportion of VTT patreon users.


Hi Jase, Thanks so much for the feedback! This is definitely something I could and intend to include in the near future. I don't have any experience yet with VTT myself, but I have been doing some research into it. However it would be great to get some information from people who do use it. Are there any other limitations, aside from the 10MB limit? Would it be ok to simply reduce the map to 72DPI or does it also need to be separated into chunks. I read somewhere that there is a 1024x1024 pixel limit for imported JPEGS


Look in to Fantasy Grounds as a VTT as well. Large maps (file size and dimensions) can be tricky in it as well. I don't think it has any file size limits though.


Awesome! I'd love to hear how it goes.