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This is the base set for this weeks maps. It includes high resolution day and night variants of every level. Higher tier patrons can get the complete set with additional variants HERE

This map set is part of the Hideouts & Lairs series.


The hull of this old ship is wedged beneath a naturally formed sea arch, known to many local fishermen as a landmark to avoid. However, there are rumours that the vessel was carrying a cargo of valuables before meeting its end. While there have been attempts to retrieve the treasure, none have ended well and those few that were able to return spoke only of the overwhelming stench, not the glitter of gold.

Grid Information

  • GRID SIZE  34x22 (300DPI) 

  • VTT SIZE – 4760x3080 (140DPI) 



Design Notes

 Sea Arch


  • 01 – Mainland – The clifftop overlooks the ocean. Out at the end of a peninsula, the horizon is unbroken in three directions.

  • 02 – Broken Mast – The ships mast has snapped off and fallen onto the arch. This could offer a safe way down for the more nimble.

  • 03 – Sea Arch – These formations are usually a site of natural beauty, but the eerie whispers on the wind and powerful brine-like smell make this an unpleasant spot for a picnic.

  • 04 – Quarterdeck – A rotting whale carcass may be the source of the smell, but its placement on the upper deck does not seem accidental.


Ship Deck


  • 05 – Main Deck – Slippery with algae and rough with barnacles, the now sloped deck provides poor footing.

  • 06 – Captains Quarters – It seems someone or something else has been calling this wreck home. The logs and shipping charts were likely left here by the previous occupant, but the ritualistic animal skulls feel like a new addition.

  • 07 – Beach – This narrow strip of sand is littered with dead fish, as though nothing can live in the water here.


Sea Floor


  • 08 – Flooded Chambers – About half of the lower deck of the ship is fully submerged

  • 09 – Crews Quarters – The hammocks would have previously belonged to the ship’s crew, but something else has been sleeping in them lately.

  • 10 – Cargo Hold – The promised treasure seems to be here, along with a strange assortment of items and trinkets collected from the bottom of the sea.

  • 11 – Underwater Caves – The rock below the coastline has been eroded away creating dark hiding spots, hidden from above.



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