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Into the Wilds Battlemap Books

We are almost into the final week of the Kickstarter for Into the Wilds Battlemap Books Volume 3, and close to unlocking the final £100k stretch goal!

If you haven't backed or checked out the campaign yet you can do so here

Games Expo UK

If you want to come and see the map books (or me) in person and grab some great freebies, I will be at UK Games Expo in Birmingham from Friday May 31st to Sunday June 2nd.
We will be at booth #2-338. Hopefully see some of you there!


Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In April we released - 

  • 98 Maps, Tiles & Variants

  • 8 Illustrations

  • 182 Assets

  • 9 Tokens

  • 2 Adventure Modules

  • 7 Complete Foundry VTT Modules

  • 1 Custom Magic Item

  • 1 Custom Creature

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).

High Seas


The Geobukseon, or ‘Turtle Ship’, is effectively an ocean-going tank. Its armoured hull and closed deck make it almost impervious to enemy attacks. It is fast and mobile, and its small but powerful cannons fire from all 4 sides. Under an experienced captain one of these ships can penetrate an enemy line and disrupt an entire fleet single handedly.

Chain Ferry

The River Sar is over a mile wide at its narrowest, and there is only a single bridge that is all the way South towards the coast. The fast-flowing current make the river quick to navigate when travelling towards the ocean, but when trying to cross, the current forces boats miles downstream and off track.

To solve this problem, several chain ferries have been set up along the river’s length. These ferries work by pulling themselves along giant chains that are suspended below the surface of the water and attached on either bank. The chains hang low enough when not in use that other vessels can pass over them, but the chains can also be tightened to stop larger ships from being able to pass.

Into the Wilds

Rural 03

  • Stone Bridge - The road through the mountains is picturesque but dangerous. It is often safer to stay off the roads wherever possible. This bridge is a pinch point along the route that is hard to avoid, and of late has been taken over by a group of thugs demanding a toll to cross.

  • Guardhouse - Due to the rise in raids throughout the countryside, this small village has built a brick wall around it's perimeter as a line of defence. The Guardhouse was constructed at it's entrance to keep track of who was going in and out, but the assigned guard captain has become a little overzealous and is causing major holdups.

  • Village Street - Despite lacking the planning and oversight of the big city streets, there is something satisfying about the organic nature in which these rural settlements are laid out. Beautiful pathways and intriguing back alleys criss-cross throughout the neighbourhood.

  • Windmill - Up on the hill above the village square, the windmill provides an incredible lookout onto the surrounding vista. As such the miller is also often the first to ring the alarm when a raiding party is spotted.

  • Free

  • Hi-Res (Traveller+)

Djingure Mud Fort Exterior Scene

In the towns along the southern edge of the great desert, the Konboro tribe has posted 'Adventurers Wanted' signs in all of the major rest stops. They are seeking a group of warriors and heroes to help them liberate Djinguré, a place of historical and religious significance among their people. 

The oddly shaped fort is constructed almost entirely from mud laboriously dug from below the deserts sands. Each generation of the Konboro people adds a new layer of mud to the outer walls, so adding their strength to that of their ancestors. The building is a place of protection for the tribe when roving bands of marauders pass through, and also the burial place of the first chieftain whose body still lies in state in the entrance hall.

This illustration was created by Eduardo Nonato for Tom Cartos - https://www.artstation.com/nonato 

Characters of Bharzul 03

Fimulda Brightstone - Master of Coin

Fimulda is a stout figure, her hair woven with strands of gold, mirroring the wealth she oversees. She has an analytical demeanor, her eyes sharp and calculating, missing nothing that transpires in her presence. Quick to haggle even in dire circumstances, she is constantly seeking angles to exploit.

Braggen Greysword - Master of Arms

Braggen's presence is as formidable as his reputation; his well-worn battle attire and the numerous scars that crisscross his exposed arms speak of countless battles. In moments of contemplation, he unconsciously rubs the pommel of his sheathed sword, eager to return to action. His eyes hold a martial fire, and he exudes a readiness to leap into the fray.

Ysgrid Twendall - Master of Machinations

The Master of Machinations is also the head of the Machinists Guild, and is in charge of ensuring all of the city’s machines and engineering runs smoothly, as well as spearheading new technologies. Unlike the other council members, this position is voted for by members of the guild only, and not the entire populace. Ysgrid has risen quickly to her position, but has eyes on more.

These illustrations were created by Rixt Heerschop for Tom Cartos - https://rixtheerschop.com/

Rural 04 Asset Pack - 28 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack contains Rural themed assets. 

Swamps 01 Asset Pack - 40 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack contains Swamp themed assets. 

Musical Instruments 01 Asset Pack - 68 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack contains Musical Instrument themed assets. A little love for all the Bards out there!

Dungeondraft Megapack V1.38 (Adventurer+)- Complete Tom Cartos Asset collection for Dungeondraft, updated every month!

These assets have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

Jabberwock BBEG - (Free) - Free Jabberwock Token with 5+ variants (Free).

These tokens will also be added to Moulinette Cloud

These tokens were created for Tom Cartos by Splattered Ink

Premium 5e Adventures (Adventurer+)

Dagon’s Deliverance by Alex LeFort - 3rd to 5th Level

The notorious smugglers known as the Duskshore Consortium have vanished, swallowed by the murky shadows of Eldwater Cove. Rumors tell of Captain Travus Bledroot's ambition turning to folly as he meddled with forces beyond his ken, awakening Dagon, Scion of Salt, a demon of the water. Now, the cove and its cavernous ruins pulse with a dark power, and the Consortium roam not as men, but as guardians of their own watery grave.

Premium PF2e Adventures (Adventurer+)

Dagon’s Deliverance by Alex LeFort and David N. Ross - 3rd to 5th Level

The notorious smugglers known as the Duskshore Consortium have vanished, swallowed by the murky shadows of Eldwater Cove. Rumors tell of Captain Travus Bledroot's ambition turning to folly as he meddled with forces beyond his ken, awakening Dagon, Scion of Salt, a demon of the water. Now, the cove and its cavernous ruins pulse with a dark power, and the Consortium roam not as men, but as guardians of their own watery grave.

Scenes (Forgemaster+)

5e Adventures (Forgemaster+)

Molten Chelae for 5e & PF2E

Fissure crabs dwell in extreme conditions, finding a way to live in deep ocean volcanoes due to their extremely heat resistant shells. This flaming dagger has seemingly been forged from the pincers of one such creature, kept alive by unknown magics.

Hi Res (Traveller+)

This magic item was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews 

Fissure Crab for 5e & PF2E

Deep below the ocean's surface live all manner of beings from docile to demonic. The extreme living situations of the depths cause all manner of beings to call the ocean's their home, but few are as extreme as the fissure crab. Dwelling in the extreme heat of aquatic volcanic fissures, these beings are at home where others wouldn't dare to tread. With temperatures around these fissures rising to immense levels, few were sure how these massive creatures survived until more research was done on their origins.

Hi Res (Traveller+) 

This creature was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews 

TC Modern is my new Patreon with modern themed Battlemaps and Assets!


Police Station

TC Modern Asset Packs (Explorer+)

DungeonDraft Asset Packs Month 2024 (Explorer+)

These Scenes & Assets will also be added to Moulinette Cloud



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