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'Into the Wilds Battlemap Books' is Live now on Kickstarter and is almost 1000% funded!
Check it out HERE


This is the complete set of this months 'Into The Wilds' maps. The Into the Wilds maps are intended to be simpler & more generic than my regular sets and are perfect to drop in for random encounters when on the road or for when the party takes an unexpected turn and you want to be prepared.

There will be no poll for next months Into the Wilds series as I have a fun collaboration planned!

This months Into the Wilds theme is Rural as voted for by Adventurer tier Patrons.

  • Stone Bridge - The road through the mountains is picturesque but dangerous. It is often safer to stay off the roads wherever possible. This bridge is a pinch point along the route that is hard to avoid, and of late has been taken over by a group of thugs demanding a toll to cross.

  • Guardhouse - Due to the rise in raids throughout the countryside, this small village has built a brick wall around it's perimeter as a line of defence. The Guardhouse was constructed at it's entrance to keep track of who was going in and out, but the assigned guard captain has become a little overzealous and is causing major holdups.

  • Village Street - Despite lacking the planning and oversight of the big city streets, there is something satisfying about the organic nature in which these rural settlements are laid out. Beautiful pathways and intriguing back alleys criss-cross throughout the neighbourhood.

  • Windmill - Up on the hill above the village square, the windmill provides an incredible lookout onto the surrounding vista. As such the miller is also often the first to ring the alarm when a raiding party is spotted.

GRID SIZE - 22x17 inch (300DPI)
VTT SIZE - 3080x2380 (140DPI)




Are these included in the Kickstarter as well?


Are all the Into the Wilds Battlemaps Books maps available here on Patreon?

TC Modern

Hi! These ones aren't as they are new. All of the Kickstarter art was completed before the campaign launched.

TC Modern

Hi! A lot of them are, but there are a number of Kickstarter exclusives, as well as some that have been 'revamped' for specially the kickstarter with updated textures and assets.