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Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In March we released - 

  • 91 Maps, Tiles & Variants

  • 4 Illustrations

  • 169 Assets

  • 71 Tokens

  • 2 Adventure Modules

  • 6 Complete Foundry VTT Modules

  • 1 Custom Magic Item

  • 1 Custom Creature

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).

Hideouts & Lairs

Gold Dragon Lair

The mighty Gold Dragon, Ildrand the Bold, has a curious affinity for humans. He is rarely hostile unless heavily provoked and enjoys entertaining and throwing extravagant balls but is rather picky with who he invites.

He has made his home in an abandoned temple, set into the mountainside over a river. The temple was run down and collapsing when he found it, but over time he has rebuilt and restored it to its original grandeur, even maintaining the gardens outside.

Ildrand’s lair sits close to the border of two nations who have held a tense peace for many years. Now it seems that peace may be breaking down and war may be on the horizon. Ildrand has been asked to be a neutral arbiter in negotiations, and envoys from both factions are arriving soon for the talks.

Despite agreeing to mediate, Ildrand believes that at least one of the groups is in fact coming with the intent of an ambush and wants a third party of politically unattached adventurers to help him keep watch and ensure nothing untoward happens.

Mindflayer Colony

A small town at the foot of the Epicouatl mountains has a severe missing persons problem. In the last few months almost a quarter of their population has disappeared. The first to go missing were a halfling pair who liked to explore the maze-like cave system that winds its way through the mountains. The search party that was sent after them also disappeared. Then almost every night it seemed someone else had vanished. There were reports of the missing persons being seen after dark, skulking around the shadows, but come morning they were nowhere to be seen again and someone else had gone.
The mayor has put up a large bounty to find out what is happening to those who have disappeared, bring them back if possible, and to ensure it stops happening before the entire town is empty.

Into the Wilds

Swamps 02

  • Swamp Dock - Although the water is rarely more than neck deep in the swamps, there are enough open waterways to travel around via shallow bottomed boats. It is easy to get lost however, so make sure to take a guide and whatever you do DO NOT TRY TO SWIM.

  • Floating Home - Some choose to live in the waters of the swamps, rather than on the relatively 'dry' land around it. This has the advantage of keeping out many of the larger predators that roam the area.

  • Hanging Tree - In the past, a large group of bandits had a hideout in the swamp near here. They would hang bodies from this gnarled tree to warn off any who came too close, until a group of adventurers dealt with them. Many still believe the tree is haunted by the victims.

  • Tree House - Built into the stump of an enchanted tree, this dwelling is occupied by an apothecary of fey origin. Many believe her to be an oracle of sorts, able to give a glimpse into your future for a price.

  • Free

  • Hi-Res (Traveller+)

Orc Stronghold Exterior Scene

The Vargash Orc clan have lived in the mountains for generations. Although not the largest of tribes, they have out-survived many larger groups through their patience and cunning. Outsiders often view Orcs as mindless beasts who only crave blood and death, and while this may be the case with some of the more warlike tribes, the Vargash Orcs are as varied and complex as any group of individuals.

Outwardly, their stronghold makes use of the ignorant views of the other races, appearing grim and intimidating to scare off any potential attackers. Multiple levels of intelligent defences can easily hold back any who are not put off. Even those who make it into the maze-like caverns within the mountainside are presented with a curated view. The Vargash will occasionally take prisoners, only to allow them to ‘escape’ a few days later to spread tales of their ferocity.

Within the cavern complex, the Orcs live a mostly peaceful and happy life. Many of them are crafters and skilled artisans as well as capable warriors. The great hoard that they maintain comes primarily from trade and commerce rather than pillage and plunder. Their greatest treasure however is kept deep in the mountain, the next generation of Orc whelps being raised to continue their traditions.

This illustration was created by Eduardo Nonato for Tom Cartos - https://www.artstation.com/nonato 

Ship Deck Asset Pack - 42 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack contains a variety of Ship themed assets.

Mindflayer Colony Asset Pack - 59 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack contains a variety of Mindflayer themed assets.

Dungeondraft Megapack V1.37 (Adventurer+)- Complete Tom Cartos Asset collection for Dungeondraft, updated every month!

These assets have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

Elf NPCs 02

Elf NPC Token Pack 02 Sample (Free) - 2 Free Elf NPC Tokens

Elf NPC Token Pack 02 Base Set (Traveller+) - 14 Elf NPC Tokens arranged by class.

Elf NPC Token Pack 02 Variants (Adventurer+) - 70 Elf NPC Tokens arranged by class.

These tokens will also be added to Moulinette Cloud

These tokens were created for Tom Cartos by Splattered Ink

Premium 5e Adventures (Adventurer+)

Automaton Atakebune by DMDave - 3rd to 10th Level (Scalable)

A massive floating fortress (atakebune) has been attacking towns and villages in the archipelago. The characters are hired to sneak on board the ship and disable its crew before it causes any more damage.

Premium PF2e Adventures (Adventurer+)

Gears of Treason by Alex Le Fort & David N. Ross - 11th to 13th Level

The grand council chambers of the dwarven city of Bharzul have become a deadly maze. Ysgrit Twendall, the Master of Machinations, has turned the chambers’ defense systems against the council, taking them hostage in a coup attempt to secure her rule over the city.

Scenes (Forgemaster+)

5e Adventures (Forgemaster+)

Axolittle for 5e & PF2E

Dwelling in the warm reefs of tropical coasts, the Maxolotls are a friendly culture that look at the world outside of their communities with a sense of wonder and curiosity. Those who welcome the Maxolotl or seek to become allies will often find themselves bestowed a gift from one of their craftsmen. This amulet is set with sparkling jade stones and adorned with a small, hand carved figure of an axolotl as seen from above. Holding it fills you with feelings of comfort as if floating in a warm pool.

Hi Res (Traveller+)

This magic item was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews

Maxolotl for 5e & PF2E

Preferring the warm coastal shores of tropical locales, the Maxolotl are no strangers to those that reside along the coastline. While skittish at first, the communities that dwell

in coastal reefs are often curious enough to make contact with those that would settle on the coast, even if it's just to give a cursory awareness of their presence. Though they clad themselves in leather and often carry a harpoon for hunting purposes, it's rare for the Maxolotl to be hostile to newcomers on their shores. Instead, they prefer to pursue relationships of mutual understanding with their neighbors. Those that disrespect the waters and their sanctity may just see the oceans themselves turn against them as the Maxolotl have little tolerance for those that sully their homes.

Hi Res (Traveller+) 

This creature was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews 

TC Modern is my new Patreon with modern themed Battlemaps and Assets!

Lake House


TC Modern Asset Packs (Explorer+)

These Scenes & Assets will also be added to Moulinette Cloud



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